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"Have you heard the great news, my lord? It is the Duchess from the Palmer residence, we heard she is getting married soon." Duke Alfred whispered as he stood next to me.

Palmer clan.

They are one of the highest ranking nobles here in town. They own a lot of land and have maintained their rank for five consecutive years. As I've heard, this wedding that is being rumored, was meant to conceal a big scandal. It's just typical for them to be involved in loveless marriages.

"Is it the eldest daughter of Philip Palmer that will be married soon?" I asked. That's what I heard most of the time.

"I'm afraid it is! It is that woman who has been famous for her connection to the royal family."

Duke Alfred went on and on as I walked down the boulevard, inattentive to the rumors he heard.

Rumors are quite interesting in this place, it's a source of entertainment for people who are either after the truth or the whole story. They are passed from person to person, but the story differs on how people interpret the information. Despite all that, it's draining and sickening at the same time.

I'm already tired of hearing the same old circulation of rumors.

But what's more tiring is the fact that I must move from place to place in correspondence to my ability to survive in this tiring world. I couldn't even settle for at least a century because the place isn't to my liking anymore, and people may get suspicious about my appearance. And there are a lot of stories I've already heard from these people, but none of them caught even the slightest bit of my attention nor gave me the thrill it should have. I mean, people are great but it's just the same thing over and over again.

That day, I left my residence quietly but I made sure I left my letter of farewell.

I'm going to find another place. I've been living there for a decade so I guess it's time that I move.


They weren't the first form of life to exist in the entire universe, it was us in the beginning; we are the very first life ever born. Earth is just one of the creations of the seven deities, it was once a place for different creatures in the magical realm. The humans weren't as ordinary as they are today.

They were the Irians. 

They were superiors who possess greater power than us. They were our companions whom we created a special bond with, we use our shared power for the greater good. Sadly, hunger for supremacy was all it took to rupture the balance between life and the world. They started wars that swallowed the earth into despair and darkness. None of us could stop them when they had inflicted immense violence and wiped almost three-quarters of lives. The deities learned their lesson and heard the call. 

Out of sympathy, the lightest punishment given to them were disownment, incapability, and banishment. Their memories were erased once they were renounced and exiled, that was an eternal punishment for them. Incapability, to them, is also equal to being stripped off from their power and authority. They will forever live as powerless beings and will gain knowledge to survive. The earth became a place for exiled Irians, and was eventually placed outside of the magic realm. The gates disappeared and will never be found by the human eye. 

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