A Strengthening Bond

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I happily munch on my meal in America's car. He just delivered the greatest news! He said we could have a sleepover. Now I know it is childish, but I have always wanted to have a sleepover. I never got to experience one. I feel super excited. I fantasize about the kind of trouble we will get into.

When we arrive to his house. It truly is a beautiful home but it seemed so empty.

"Hey America, is your family not home?" I ask.

"Oh... they traveled far to visit some family. I decided to stay behind because I didn't want to go. I have better plans..." he winks at me before stepping out of the car.

I look down at the ground with a smile before letting myself out.

Inside, his house was grand- definitely old fashioned but it was nice. I reach for a light switch only it does not turn on. "Ah!" America says, "Fuse must've blew again... I hate when it does that..." He proceeds to open a door that leads to the basement. "I'll just be a second, make yourself at home!" And with that he shuts the door.

What a fucking weirdo. I look around and decide to explore. The living room was heavily furnished and had the strangest decorations- And don't even get me started on the yellow wallpaper. It's patterns would drive anyone insane.

Upon the coffee tables, it collected dust... actually everything was collecting dust. How long was America's family gone? Does he not clean?

I should stop; who am I to critique someone else's home? I guess it was because I hardly ever entered another person's house. I never had a reason to. I never had been invited anywhere.

I continue to stroll around trying to be less judgmental. But I couldn't unsee how everything collected dust.

I examined the bedrooms and immediately knew which one was America's. It was decorated differently compared to the other rooms. The other bedrooms all appeared the same- bland, no personality... but America's was loud. Covered in all different kinds of posters of musicians, athletes, and movies; a multicolored bedroom set consisting of the colors red, white, and blue; shinny trophies and photographs on his shelves and led lights boxing in his room...

Despite how crazy his room was, it was the most appetizing in the house. It was the only room consisting of vitality! It suited him, it was all over the place and yet, it had a pleasurable display. This is my favorite room in the entire house.

The lights then turned back on. America must've fixed the power. As I exited his room, I felt something in the pit of my stomach. I had thought of it to be the effects of the mushroom but I could tell it was something different. Something felt wrong...

I don't know why but I looked above me and I saw the attic. And that's when I could smell the faint rotting scent. I reach my hand up to pull the string open...

"Russia?" America calls from down the stairs. I turn my head to face him with my hand still touching the string.

He tilts his head, "What are you doing?"

"..." I say nothing. Not even I knew the answer to his question. What was I doing?

"I wouldn't open that if I were you, my father left something important up there... if he finds out I was snooping around- he'll kill me." he says jokingly.

"Alright... sorry..." I lower my hand. What the hell was up there?

He walks up the stairs towards me. "Come I'll show you my room!"

"I think I already found it." I tell him. I felt uncomfortable now... not enough to be afraid of him, but he's definitely hiding something. And I have a feeling that if I find out, there will be no going back...

Pessimistic Coodies (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now