Five - The Tribute Parade

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Thalia's POV:

I wake up the next morning with something heavy wrapped around my stomach. I quickly realize it's Gale's arm. I carefully move his arm off me and go into my room and shower.

I again select honey suckle scented shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. After my shower I put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a green t-shirt.

Then I go to breakfast. When I get there, I see Gale talking to Haymitch, trying to get advice on how to survive the Games.

I pile some food onto my plate and sit next to Gale, listening as he tries to get something out of our mentor.

"Just go ahead and accept your death's already, it's easier that way." Haymitch finally snaps after Gale asks where we could find water.

Immediately, I am infuriated. "So, that's it, huh?" I begin, grabbing a knife from beside me and started to twirl it around my fingers. "We've barely been announced tributes for twenty-four hours and you're giving up? You're leaving us to die?"

"Honestly sweetheart," he said with an eye roll. "You don't expect to survive, do you?"

I throw the knife and it lands next to his head. I quickly grab two more, flicking my wrist and allowing the knives to pin Haymitch hands down onto the table. 

"That is mahogany!" Effie exclaims.

"Matter of fact I do, Abernathy." I say with venom laced in my voice.

Haymitch tries to make a move towards me, but Gale immediately grabs him and pins our mentor to the floor. "You help us win this thing or else." Gale threatens. 

Haymitch rolls his eyes and emits a dry laugh. "Looks like we got a pair of fighters this year." Gale pushes his further into the floor. "Fine, I'll stay sober enough to help you live until you eventually die."

"Progress." I whisper. "Ok," I say louder. "Gale let him go we're almost at the Capitol."

Gale lets Haymitch go, but not before shooting him a glare. We walk towards the window and stare in awe as we see the Capitol. Gale and I start to wave and smile at the Capitol citizens.

We step off the train and Gale wraps his arm around me to keep from getting lost. Usually, I would push him off me but Gale being by my side gave me a strange sense of comfort. When we got to the Prep Ceneter, Gale let go of me and shot me a quick smile.

My prep team was very annoying and all they did was talk about how ugly and hairy I was. Whatever.

My stylist, Cinna, was quite nice though and I felt I could trust him with my life. Now, I'm heading down to the chariots.

"You look gorgeous, Thalia." Cinna says, giving me a quick hug before sending me out to the chariot. "I'm sure that Gale boy will like your dress."

"What do you mean? Gale and I are just friends, nothing more."

Cinna gives me a knowing smile, which confuses me greatly before gently pushing me into the chariot section.

Gale's POV:

I'm talking to the district 11 tributes when I see Thalia. She looks stunning. I think to myself.

"Hello Gale," Thalia said to me a with a small smile that brought me out of my thoughts. She then turned to the 11 tributes. "And you must be Rue and Thresh, it's nice to meet you."

Thalia shakes their hands and then leans down and whispers into Rue's ear, "You look so lovely, your stylist did an excellent job."

"Thanks!" Rue giggled. It was very clear she reminded Thalia, and even me, of Primrose. 

The four of us talked until it was time to get on our chariots. "I want them as allies." Thalia whispers to me.

"Me too, think we should talk to Haymitch about it?" I ask Thalia, and she nods her head. 

Then our chariot starts to move, and I put my arm around her waist. Thalia presses the button that makes us turn into fire and the crowd goes wild.

"Girl on Fire! Guardian Angel! Dark Angel! Angel on Fire! Dark Prince! Prince on Fire!" The crowd chants. 

So, they know about Thalia being the Guardian of District 12. I thought to myself.

We finish making our block, listen to President Snow's Speech, and then go back to our rooms. The rest of the tributes, except for the ones from 11, are glaring at Thalia and I as we head up to our room, which is the on the twelfth floor and the penthouse.

The penthouse is huge, and our entire team eats dinner as celebration of how successful we were at the parade.

After dinner we begin to discuss strategies. 

"Tomorrow at training I want you two to stick together but don't show your skills." Haymitch says. "What are your skills by the way;"

"I'm good at shooting a bow and arrow, throwing knives, and climbing." Thalia says.

"And I'm good with a sword, hand to hand combat, and we both know survival skills."

"He's really strong to." Thalia adds.

"Ok," Haymitch mumbles before speaking louder. "I can work with that but for now just stick close to each other in training and don't show off your skills."

Thalia and I both nod in agreement but then Lia says, "We do have one request though."

"And what might that be?" Haymitch asks.

"We want District 11 as our allies."

"I'll try to arrange it."

"Thank you, Haymitch." 

"No problem, sweetheart. Now get to bed, you have training tomorrow." Haymitch shoos us off to our rooms.

"Goodnight, love." I say to Thalia before she goes into her room.

"Goodnight, Gale."



Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter but school is really stressing me out rn and I'm trying to get back up on my feet. I'll try to update soon, so yeah.

Love y'all and happy reading!

WORD COUNT: 950 words

Begging On My Knees // G. HawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now