Chapter 4: Loo Loo Land Pt.1

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(We now see I.M.P Headquarters. We see Blitz and Y/N. Blitz is impersonating Moxxie and Millie.)

Blitz:(impersonating Millie) "Oh,Blitz! You're such a good boss! (impersonating Moxxie)"Yeah, I really want you sir." (Impersonating Millie) "Me too!" (As himself) Let's three-way!

Y/N: You know, I wonder how that would turn out.

Blitz: Yeah, I guess.

(Blitz's cellphone is now ringing.)

Blitz: WHAT?!

Stolas: Why,hello, my big dicked Blitzy.

(Blitz and Octavia both spit out their coffee in suprise. Blitz slams his " BOSS BITCH" mug onto his desk.)

Blitz: What-

Octavia: The-


Octavia: Dad?!

Stolas: Language,everyone! I have a special request~

Blitz: Aw... G-Look, I just had a chemical peel, so you'll have to find someone else's face to plant that feathered ass.

Stolas: It's for my daughter.

Blitz. Ah. Well, make sure she washes it.

Stolas: No! No, no-no-no. I'm taking my daughter to Loo Loo Land, and I was hoping you brave little imps would accompany us!

Blitz: We're assassins, not bodyguards,'kay? Don't invite us to shit unless someone's gonna die.

Stolas: I'll pay you~

Blitz: Pay me what?

Stolas: Moneyyyy~

Blitz: Done!

(Blitz hangs up and accidentally slams his phone down on the desk hard enough to smash it to pieces.)

Blitz: M n' M, get in here! We're going to Loo Loo Land!

Moxxie: Loo Loo Land?

Y/N and Millie: Loo Loo Land?!

Blitz: Loo Loo Land!


(10 minutes later, they are now at Loo Loo Land.)

Blitz: Now, remember: this is work and work only. Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, alright?

Octavia: Hey... Dad... Do we have to?

Blitz: Okay,yeah, hold on right there,sweetie. (turns to Stolas) If you try fuckin' my little ass in that park, I swear to--

Stolas: You are so cute when you are serious.

Octavia: I'm literally gonna be sick.

Y/N: Yeah, tell me something I don't know.

Moxxie: Oh,crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need? Antacids? Ibuprofen? Morphine?

Octavia: That was figurative, old man.

Moxxie: Oh, right. (under his breath) But she said it was literal.

Millie: Wooooow! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot! It hasn't changed a bit. Ohhh! LOOK! It's Big Woobly!

(We see a hideously malformed animatronic dinosaur.)

Moxxie: That is... deeply upsetting.

Millie: Oh come on! It's fun! You've never been here?

Childhood Love:Moxxie x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now