Chapter 5: Loo Loo Land Pt.2

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Robo Fizz: Mua ha ha ha ha hoho-oh! Is that Blitzo my sensors spot up the-e-e-ere? I bet the kiddies are still running away from you, huh? 

Blitz: The "O" is silent now!

Robo Fizz: A-A-Awwwww, just like your audience always was when you to-told your lazy jokes here!

Blitz: Bitch, I make more money killin' people than you do being a cheap-ass robo ripoff of an overrated sellout JESTER!

Robo Fizz: (glitching) Oohoohoo! Someone's salty! Real or not though, people lo-o-ove me! Does anybody love you...  (appears creepy with demonic voice) BLITZO?

Blitz: No. But I'm really good with guns now. Dance, bitch! 

(Blitz slams a new magazine into his rifle, switches it to full auto and opens up on Robo Fizz, who cartwheels out of the way of the incoming rounds. Robo Fizz rapidly spins like a wheel rolling up the stair to where Blitz is. He coils himself around Blitz like a snake, before using his own momentum to launch Blitz through the top of the tent.)


(Outside, Wally Wackford rolls a cart of lit torches in by the tent.)

Wally: Torches, I say, I say! Get you inconvenient torches here!

(Blitz lands on the cart, scattering the torches everywhere, which light the big top on fire.)

Wally: Owww! I say, OWWWW!

(The green fire very rapidly spreads to all corners of the park. Burning and melting animatronics flee the tent as Robo Fizz cackles and spins his head with demonic glee at the destruction. Elsewhere, the carnie imp at the shooting gallery holds 600 souls with Moxxie's money, with Moxxie himself glaring at him with seething anger.)

Carnie Imp:  Wow! Man, you're really starting to make this sad. Y'know, if you suck, you suck! Guess you won't win your friend here a prize...

Millie: Let me try!

(Millie grabs the pistol and fires a cork at the target, which misses wildly. The carnie imp grins mischieviously, and presses a foot pedal in the booth, which causes a target to fall down.)

Carnie Imp: Ohhhh, look at that! Lucky shot, baby.

Y/N: Bruh.

Moxxie: Are you kidding me?! You-you-you charlatan!

Carnie Imp: Hey, uh, get lost, pipsqueak. I'm talkin' to the lady~

(The carnie imp leans toward Millie and makes a seductive purring sound at her. Millie recoils in disgust. In the background, Blitz and Robo Fizz continue to do battle against each other as the fires spread. Blitz is thrown into the air by Robo Fizz and comes down through the roof of the shooting gallery, crushing the carnie imp under him.)

Moxxie/Y/N: Sir?!/ Blitz?!

Blitz: ( dazed) Ohhh, hey, guys! You should probably go, uh, make sure Stolas is okay. I've... got some unfinished business to take care of.

(Blitz draws his flintlock pistol, cocks it, and fires it at the now burning Robo Fizz. The impact of the bullet spins Robo Fizz's head around, but when he spins his head back, he is revealed to be unharmed by the shot, having caught the bullet in his teeth. He then spits the bullet out.)

Blitz: Oh, what a mouth!

(Blitz grimaces at what he just said. Robo Fizz coils himself up into his rolling form again, charging straight at Blitz. He leaps out of the way as his enemy hit the booth, destroying it at a large explosion. Severaal pieces of shrapnel and burning prizes shoot in all direction, as we now see the several things Moxxie attempted to win. The piece of stuffed animal strikes a young imp boy in the head, knocking him unconcious the second a photographer takes a picture of the imp family.)

Father: Goddammit, Nathan! You ruined another bloody photo! Why were you even born?!

(Elsewhere, Stolas is still running after Octavia.)

Stolas: Octavia?

Octavia: Just leave me alone!

Stolas: Octavia!

(Octavia runs into a building called the "Fun House." Inside, Stolas is confronted with a surreal room of eyes,tubes,spikes, mirrors and disembodied hands. He goes further into the room, looking around for where his daughter could have gone. A shadow appears behind Stolas, as a random imp jumps upon his back.)

Stolas:(annoyed) Umm, I think I'm supposed to be bodyguarded right now!

(The imp covers Stolas's mouth with his shirt sleeve, but is suddenly shot in the head and falls to the ground. Moxxie, Millie and Y/N appear in the entryway, Millie having just shot the imp with a pistol.)

Stolas: (wipes imp blood off of sleeve) Ugh, that's better. Where is Blitzy? He's my knight in shining armor, not you littler ones.

Millie: He's uhhhh... busy.

Moxxie: Being a fool.

Stolas: What kind of fool?

Y/N: The usual.

Moxxie: More like the "everything is now on fire" kind.

(Disinterested, Stolas leaves the imps, effortlessly dodging between two swinging pendulums, and heads down a tunnel into an adjoining room. There, he sees Octavia riding in circles in apple-themed rail cars, crying.)

Stolas: Octavia... I take it you are... not having fun.

Octavia: (crying) I didn't even want to come here!

Stolas: I'm sorry, sweetie. I... I thought you loved it here.

Octavia:(sniffs) When I was a kid and my parent's didn't hate each other... and my dad didn't flirt with some... weird red dickhead the entire time.

Stolas: I'm sorry Via. I'm sorry for everything... happening right now. I know it's... a lot. I,uh-- I should have listened.

Octavia: (crying) I just want to go home... but home doesn't feel like home anymore... You ruined it.

Stolas: You need to understand... your mother and I... I just-... I felt-... She's always been... I haven't been- Ha-... We weren't in... I'm sorry, I-I-I don't have the words.

Octavia: Are you gonna run off with him? And leave me behind? Go away where... I can't find you?

Stolas: What? No! No, no, never.  I'd never do that. Never. I think it's time to leave this place. You were right. You are too old for it, anyway.

(Stolas carries Octavia out of the Fun House. Outside, the park has been reduced to pandemonium as dusk falls. Millie attempts to shoot at Robo Fizz, who rolls around wildly. The robot is caught by the draconic creature and swallowed whole, as Moxxie rides on its back. Stolas and Octavia leave the park gates.)

Stolas: So, what would you like to do now?

Octavia: Oh, can we go to ? They sell weird taxidermy there.

Stolas: Hmmm, okayyyyy...

Octavia: Thanks, dad. You're okay sometimes.

Stolas: Thank you, Via. Thank you.

( A massive explosion rocks the park, sending the employees of I.M.P hurtling through the air, smoking and screaming. The four land in front of Stolas and Octavia.)

Moxxie: Way to ruin another good thing, sir!

Blitz: Worth it! That slutty toy clown had. It. Comin'!

(Moxxie and Blitz fall unconcious. A stray animal grabs Millie by her hair and starts to drag her, bu t Y/N comes right on time. He flips the animal off and starts to carry Millie, Moxxie and Blitz, but they are heavy, so he got Stolas to carry Blitz and Y/N carried Millie and Moxxie.)

Childhood Love:Moxxie x Male ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora