Goblin Gear

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(Harry found his way into his father's secret workshop and was shocked to find a bunch of Green Goblin gear)

Harry: "No...he couldn't be..."

Norman: "Avenge me!!!"

Harry: "NO!!!"

Doc Ock: "Hello, Harry. I couldn't find Spider-Man so I'll be taking the Tritium now."

Harry: "No wait! Maybe I could help you find him.."

Norman: "Well played, son. I've got a special spider DNA tracker device right over there. That's how I managed to find him whenever we fought."

Harry: "This tracker will lead you to him."

(Hands device to Doc Ock)

Doc Ock: "Hm...a pleasure doing business with you one final time, Osborn."


Norman: "Goodie...now that squid legs is out of our hair...let's get you all nice and gassy." (Cackles menacingly)

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