Thunder and Coffee

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Rainy days are the best, especially when it's a quiet day in the bullpen. We're all in except Matt who's at home looking after his very pregnant wife and their five other children. Yeah, I know, they said five was the last but I guess accidents happen. It was rather quite funny when Matt almost fainted when Kirsty told him she was pregnant at the Christmas party.

I had done most of my paperwork at home so when the storm started I was already sitting back in my chair with a book on my lap. JJ and Luke of course are way behind as they decided to leave it until they really had to do it all while Spencer is still flicking through all the pages and writing notes.

I can't help but watch Spencer as he sticks his tongue between his lips as he concentrates. His elegant fingers skim down the page as his cognac eyes read every single word and his head tilts slightly every time he reads something that isn't quite right. It's when there'a a clap of thunder I see why I'm drawn to watching Spencer - he flinches. Spencer's shoulders raise slightly before he shakes it off and goes back to reading. Spencer Walter Reid is scared of thunder and that is adorable.

Climbing to my feet, I walk across the Bullpen to Spencer's desk, brushing mu fingers over his arm as I ask "Coffee? Come with me?"

He glances out the window at the torrential rain and flashes of lights followed by the rumbling of thunder, "S-sure."

He stands, grabbing his FBI rain jacket and an umbrella he seems to pull out of nowhere. He doesn't hesitate when he grabs the fabric of my own FBI rain jacket as we make our way to the elevator, not letting go until we get out into the rain. He only drops his grip on me to put the umbrella up but he holds his arm open and of course I loop my own through his. The coffee shop is only a block or two away which is perfect and it does the best coffee in the world. There's so much variety and the drinks there are always changing. I would live at this coffee shop if I could.

"You're drooling," Spencer bumps me lightly, holding the door open for me. I just send him a pout, ducking inside and relishing in the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Pure bliss, "See." A thumb swipes across my bottom lip, my eyes flying open to see Spencer chuckling as he's now making his way to the counter. If you couldn't see that very flaming red blush on his cheeks you would think he's a pro at flirting but it's Spencer. An IQ of 187 yet not able to form a pick up line.

"The usuals?" Ellie, the barista flashes us a smile as she sees us, "Just you two or everyone?"

"Expect Matt." Spencer nods.

"No Matt?"

"At home with the kids." I inform her and she laughs as she's had the pleasure of meeting all the little Matts and Kirstys when Matt had to babysit one day so brought them to the cafe.

Ellie's one of the sweetest people I know, probably no older than 23 and can bring a smile to anyones faces. I always come by the family owned cafe, especially after a particularly rough case. Ellie and her brother, Teddy, are aways there to welcome us and cheer us up, knowing how hard the job can be.

"Hey, you're in your head again," Spencer grabs my hand, pulling me closer to him. I've never known how Spencer does it but he can always get me out of my mind which can be annoying but on quiet days like this it's just what I need to stop the pats cases haunting me.

"You're drinks," Ellie puts them in two bags, all seven drinks, "Enjoy!"

"Thanks Ellie," We call as we make our way back into the stormy weather.

The umbrella gives me a reason to press myself against Spencer's side and he doesn't even question it, holding me close as we walk the last block back to the FBI Building. He doesn't even let me go when we're in the elevator, keeping my hand in his instead of just walking close to me.

"Oh please tell me that's coffee from Bakers." JJ looks up as we walk back in, eyes flicking from the bags to our linked hands before she gains a knowing smile. She doesn't address it and just calls for Emily to come get coffee. Before long all seven of us are sat and stood around mine and Spencer's desks, drinking coffee and eating the sweet treats Ellie snuck in the bags. Spencer's sat in his chair; I'm perched on his desk, Luke has stolen my seat with a smug smirk while JJ, Emily, Rossi, Penny and Tara are stood somewhere between.

I don't think twice about grabbing Spencer's hand when he jumps slightly at the next clap of thunder. I just continue the conversation I was having with JJ about Marvel Movies as I trace small shapes over the back of his hand, knowing her eyes keep flicking down to our hands.

"Oh my god, date already!" Luke groans, drawing attention to us.

"Date?" Spencer chokes out.

"I'll pick you up at seven." I grin down at him and I think everyone lets out a sigh of relief.

"Back to work." Emily speaks up before any of the team can start teasing us and I guess rainy days just got a whole lot better.

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