Little Touches

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I don't think Spencer even processes it anymore. I barely notice it either but, every now and then I'll realise Spencer's hand is on my thigh or he's just brushing is fingers over some part of my skin.

Todays no different, it was a stressful case and one close to home. Three kids went missing in my hometown just like they had eleven years ago except eleven years ago one of those kids was my brother. Everyone knew this case was gonna be a tough one but we did it, we caught the UnSub and I honestly felt kinda bad for her.

The UnSub was a woman in her late thirties who had gone through two miscarriages and just wanted kids of her own. I don't suppose her kidnapping and killing kids but I do feel sympathy to some extent.

We'd all gotten back and gone our deprecate ways home. That was seven hours ago and I've tried everything to sleep: taken a hot shower, that sleep tea, ran around my apartment... nothings worked so I decide to do my last resort and call Spencer.

"Y/N?" His voice is rough from sleep and oh so hot, "You okay? Can't sleep?"


"Hold on, I'll be there."


One thing you should know about Spencer is he hates driving so for him to turn up in JJ's car is a surprise but it also swells my heart. He remembered.

"Come on, let's go for a drive," He leads me over, helping me into the passenger seat before sliding into the drivers side, "Milkshakes?"

"Thank you Spence." I can't bare to bring my voice above a whisper, scared to break the peacefulness of the night around us.

"It's okay." He smiled shyly at me, grabbing my hand subconsciously. I don't say anything, just watching as he taps lightly on the back on my hand before placing it on his thigh as if it's the most natural thing in the world. It is the most natural thing in the world.

I just sit back in my seat and relax, letting the feel of Spencer's thigh under my hand and the nothingness around us as he drives. He doesn't speak, just occasionally covers my hand with his own, rubbing his thumb soothingly over the back of it before putting both hands back on the wheel.

It's moments like this where I yearn to be more than just his best friend and colleague. I yearn for those touches to mean something more than 'I'm here for you'. I yearn to feel those pretty pink and plump lips on mine.

"You're thinking too hard," Spencer speaks softly, bringing a hand to my cheek and back to reality. We're parked... outside his apartment building, "Come on, we're going to bed."

But I don't move, I don't want his hand to leave my cheek and finally I think Spencer seems to register it. His cognac eyes are focused on the way I lean into his palm before they flit between my eyes and my lips then back to his hand. For someone with an IQ of 187 he's short circuiting and I just have to watch as he tries to catch up.

What I don't expect is to have my face pulled forwards and those lips I've been dying for to be pressed to mine. Oh god Spencer's kissing me. Shy and nerdy Spencer who stumbles over words is kissing me. He's actually kissing me.

I'll just die here.

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