Coming Together

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It's been a strangely quiet week for crime and everyone's just been waiting for something to happen. It can never stay quiet for long, there's always some murderer going to strike.

All my paperwork's done so I'm just sitting on Spencer's desk as he does the rest of his, just absentmindedly playing with the rubix cube that I have absolutely no intention of solving. It's just something to do.

It gets boring so quickly so I put it down and turn my attention to Spencer's hair that's slowly getting longer. He lets out a sound of protest when I turn his chair 90° so I can begin running my hands through the curls that reach just past his ears. I decide he should have braids and he doesn't seem to mind as he's going back to reading his case files a mile a minute.

"Well doesn't Wonder Boy look pretty." Morgan teases as he enters the bullpen, causing Spencer and I to look up in sync, "You're right Thorn, braids are definitely Spencer's thing."

Whenever any of the team calls me Thorn always makes me smile, a nickname and a meaning of belonging just for me. I mean I do also secretly love it when Spencer calls me by my first name, I love the way 'Y/N' just rolls off of his tongue.

"A case?" I ask as Hotch and Emily join us on the bullpen floor and Hotch shakes his head. I can't help the sigh, it's getting kinda boring now.

"Go home everyone, we'll call you if you're needed." Hotch tells us and Spencer cautiously gets us, making sure my hands don't get tangled in his hair while I just stay where I'm sat on his desk, watching as he methodically packs his satchel.

"You coming?" He turns to me, realising I haven't even moved.

"Do you want to come over?" I have to look up as he stands in front of me to meet his gaze, "We could watch a movie?"

"Yeah that sounds good, I would like that very much." He smiles.


Waking to my phone buzzing is nothing unusual but the body wrapped around my back catches me off guard. The arm around my waist tightens and a nose nuzzles against the back of my neck as I reach for my phone.

"Hotch?" I know my voice is groggy as man am I tired still.

"We've got a new case, get here as soon as." And with that he hangs us, leaving me to just groan and drop my phone because I'm so warm and comfortable right now.

"A case?" Oh my god, Spencer's morning voice is heaven to my ears and definitely somewhere else.


'We should-"

"Shhhhh." I grumble, rolling over and burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"Y/N, we should..." He trails off, gently ghosting his fingers up and down my spine and pressing a kiss to my hair before he says so quietly I almost don't hear it, "I like this."

"I like this too Spence." I press a kiss to his neck, just to feel him pull me closer, "Let's get there before Hotch kills us."

"Yes that is a good point." We both pull away from each other, lingering on touches before we grab the first clothes we find. I definitely don't say anything when I realise I picked up Spencer's sweater because it smells like him and yeah it might be a bit baggy but it's Spencer's.


The elevator ride up Spencer and I don't talk but one glance at each other lets us know we're not sure enough about what we are to enter the bullpen holding hands. Spencer gives my hand one reassuring squeeze before letting go. He shifts closer to me though so our shoulders bump as we walk towards the meeting room where the others are already there.

Everyone glances over and I don't know if Spencer sees the way Morgan's eyes narrow at the closeness of us, especially as everyone knows Spencer can be a bit of a germaphobe.

"Took you long enough," There's a teasing tone to Emily's voice as we take our seats so JJ can explain the case.


"How are you doing?" Spencer slides into the empty seat next to me, knowing the case was a stressful one for me and I know he can tell that I'm just glad we're on the plane home.

"I'm okay," I smile softly at him, reaching under the table to link my pinkie finger with his and I take the risk of resting my head on his shoulder, wanting to take a nap.


Morgan decided to prank Spencer for his birthday and give him a cream pie instead of a birthday cake first. He does the most un-Spencer thing ever and leans into the pie, opening his mouth and begins eating the cream.

I choke on my drink when I see his tongue dart out to lick the pie up, muttering in a breathy tone "Oh good lord," evading JJ's knowing smirk as I turn and leave before I pounce on Spencer right there and then.

A few minutes later a familiar figure is standing in front of me, "Didn't like show?"

'Goddamn Spencer and those lips' I think as he's got a cheeky smile plastered on his face and a bit of whipped cream on his top lip. At the sight of the whipped cream I lose all control, grabbing Spencer's hair and yanking him down into a lust filled kiss. The taste of the cream mixed with everything Spencer makes me glad his hands are on my hips as my legs feel like jelly right now. 

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