"Little Hotchner"

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It's a remote area of the building, no one should have found us yet there he is: Aaron Hotchner, my older brother, standing with hands on his hips and an eyebrow raised while Spencer and I are in a very compromising position. I'm against the wall, hands pinned above my head with Spencer pressed firmly against me and he was ravishing my neck and leaving me breathless with kisses before Hotch stumbled across us.

Hotch opens his mouth to speak, shakes his head and calls back, "Briefing room now," as he walks away. As soon as Hotch is around the corner I free one of my hands and grab Spencer's face, pulling him into another hot and heavy kiss and whispering something about 'a few minutes more couldn't hurt' before I'm suddenly being yanked away from under Spencer with a yelp.

Without a problem, Hotch has me thrown over his shoulder and is carrying me towards the briefing room with a very red in the face and awkward Spencer hurriedly following.

"Aaron Jackson Hotchner, put me down!" I protest, knowing the team are gonna ask questions at this sight.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" It's Derek's loud snort that lets me know we've made it and the fact I'm being plonked in a chair between JJ and Derek.

"Absolutely nothing for you to care about Morgan." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Those pretty little marks on your neck say otherwise sweetheart." He smirks and I feel my eyes widen in panic, glancing at JJ for confirmation and she just giggles a little, "What has Little Hotch gotten himself into huh?"

"The case," My older brother draws his attention back to himself, nodding to the board. 

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