Roku's Warnings

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Hello again! Please give me feedback on my writing and the story plot if you can! Thanks and I hope you enjoy :)


Gabriel's POV

I was trapped. I could jump out the window, but the neighbors are gonna freak. I know I can't win an Agni-Kai against Combustion Man. I was in a huge dilemma, and my life depended on it.

I was out of time. He took a deep breath, and was about to blow. I was about to squint my eyes and cover my head to ready myself for the impact, when I saw Muriel peek out of the closet, mortified. I knew what she was going to do. This was it.

Muriel screamed, and I layed down on my stomach to allow her to blast Combustion Man out of the school with her very first, horribly controlled firebending. I looked out the hole the Man created, and saw that he had probably fallen back into his world. That was one problem taken care of. But that wasn't it. Muriel had fainted.

Mrs. Dasconte was flabbergasted. I ran over to Muriel and tried to talk to her. Nothing. We dialed the office from the intercom, and since it was me who was talking, they believed it was true. The threat had left the building. Just so we could take Muriel to the hospital and take care of all that responsible stuff, we didn't officially end the lock down yet.

We lifted Muriel and brought her to the office, where the secretaries could call for the police. I sat next to her until she woke up. Before I knew that Muriel was, like me, I believed what everyone still does believe. I thought she was a super average fangirl with no real talents in school. No one would suspect she was who she is. That's why she's lucky. Sometimes I wished I was just a normal person like Muriel seems to be. Sure, I loved my firebending. But it can attract some real nasties to the people I care of. Like Cadence. I love how she can always cheer me up at the blandest times.

Okay, now I'm just getting mushy. Blelueigheioshrt. That was me shaking away the mushies. (Quote from Iroh)

Once the school was officially re-opened, everyone was sent home early. I could see the look of shakiness on everyone's faces. But I had to stay, and we left Muriel with the Nurse. I had to have a quick meeting with the teachers, telling them what in the world happened.

About 30 minutes later, Muriel awoke. She was startled to see me waiting for her, and it kind of felt weird, waiting for a girl to wake up after she faints. She was so confused it almost made me laugh.


Muriel's POV

After all that lock down nonsense, I had fainted. I don't even know what had happened. Did Mrs. Dasconte and Gabriel get out safely? Is the rest of the school okay? Was that really Sparky Sparky Boom Man I had seen outside?

I guess the number of questions in my mind and the amount of confusion was enough to make me pass out. But now I'm starting to think it was something other than the mere abundance of thoughts that had made me faint. Did I get blasted from the third eye? I don't think so. Did I faint from the sight of the man? I hope not, I'd look like a wimpy. What had happened?

When I woke up, I jumped. No, I was perfectly safe and out of harm's way. What had startled me was Gabriel. He was waiting for me to wake up. I looked at him with my eyes widened.

"Good morning," he said, picking at his fingernails, entirely bored. "Had a nice rest?" He smirked, and it seemed like he was laughing at my vulnerability. I should have been embarrased, but more mad.

But at the time I didn't care that he had just insulted me. Gabriel was waiting for me to wake up! Does that mean he cares for me? OMG- this must mean he likes me! Holy smurf I need to act cool and chilled out again-

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