Chapter 1 - "Heya, Mister.... Manticore?"

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A cool breeze found its way throughout London, but it carried something far more dangerous, picking up leaves and dirt as it went manoeuvring in between large buildings and small gatherings of people.

It slowly began to settle as the day went by and it had become dark placing down the sturdy Slim piece of crafted wood into the middle of the busy London Road. As cars passed the wooden object was left untouched and unmoved.

On the other half of London a woman laid at rest in her bed. Her mind was empty with only things to think of such as dreams and she no longer wish to think of the past she left behind in the Wizarding world.

Being able to rent a flat in the 1800s as a woman was a tough challenge which Y/n had to learn to overcome.

A large pulse rippled through the ground of London causing buildings to shake. Y/n woke up in shock and grabbed the closest fragile objects to prevent them from breaking.

It was bizarre to have frequent earthquakes in London but it lasts little to no time before everything was at ease. Still quite groggy she stood up and pulled up her blinds looking out the window at the dark streets. She squinted ever so slightly trying to see if there was anything suspicious but put her mind at ease by telling herself that it will all be okay and that must have been natural causes.

About five or six blocks away there were a few shocked gasps as large blasts of blue light erupted from the middle of the road. People began exiting their buildings and looking out their windows at the ridiculous hour to see what the commotion was.

With loud blasts and lights appearing suddenly everyone thought that this wasn't the end of the war.
Men and women of all ages began getting dressed and leaving as soon as they possibly could have.

A young boy who was wearing Street Clothes covered in newspapers stood up and began to walk closer with a curious mind to investigate.

Looking at a beautifully crafted stick with a glowing blue head on it he picked it up getting some shocked looks from the people attempting to evacuate.

Abruptly the blue head on the end of the foreign object began to swell exploding throwing the boy back into a building and cracking the wall. People began trampling over him in an effort to escape. Locking up a stick that dropped from his hand the boy scrambled to try and get up only to be knocked back down.

He couldn't take his eyes off it, that was until the siren began to sing its dreadful song getting people to leave but as soon as he looked back it had disappeared.

A beautiful woman walked up to him in what looked to be a rather expensive coat holding out her hand, he took it no longer wanting to be trampled on and to be brought somewhere safe. The young boy got whipped up into something he could only describe as magic, only to appear in what he imagined an interrogation room to be like.

"Where did he get a hold of this."

"What?" The boy responded not knowing where to look he couldn't see anyone in the room but that wasn't to say there was no one in there.

The walls and corners of the room were covered in darkness while the spotlight hit him sitting in a metal chair aligned with and metal desk in front of him.

"What happened to it, where did it go!" the man roared making the whole room shudder at the aggression this person was giving to the boy. The trial sat there bringing both his hands to his chest shaking slightly.

He was scared.

"I don't know what you're talking about? The thing that blew me up?"

Slamming his hands on the table he leaned towards the boy finally standing in the light. "Yes, the thing that blew you up. The sticky thing. Where is it?"

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