Chapter 2 - "Did you just threaten me?"

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She spun her head around as she heard two sets of footsteps and heavy breathing approaching, attempting to come up with a way to explain this incredible beast before a few muggle bystanders.

"Stop! Don't worry, it's only a costume I'm trying out with the lions! So there's no need to stay or be concerned; everything is under control." She remarked this while glancing between the two men who, for some strange reason, didn't have any coats on.

Theseus replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "I never thought I'd see such a large feral lion." He began inspecting the woman in front of him, out of breath, and found her effort at an excuse rather... adorable?

Newt cocked his head, confused. For starters, that animal came from his case, so he knew she was lying. Second, this wasn't a lion. And three, she didn't appear to be a witch, so how could she have known or tried to keep the manticore hidden?

"You know that creature is very dangerous so if you make a wrong-" The Manticore was enthralled by the woman's hand movement and footing, and she wasn't even paying attention to him. Theseus grinned as he realised the woman had disregarded his little brother in order to deal with the more pressing issue at hand. Theseus grinned as he realised the woman had disregarded his little brother in order to deal with the more pressing issue at hand. When it came to these animals, Newt was so used to everyone turning to him for direction that he had to stop and watch the woman as she 'danced' so delicately towards the beast, making it calm once her hand was placed on its body. Ifyou could even call that dancing.

Theseus tripped on a piece of the gate, he stopped halfway through tripping praying that the animal was still distracted, but the sudden movement set it off. The large tail of the manticore flew full force into the security building and went straight for the two men.

Newt went straight to his case looking for something, "Look quicker Newt!"

"I'm looking!"

Y/n got up from the floor, she clasped her hands together letting out a loud growling sound. Not perfect but all be it, it was enough to grab the animals attention and turn back towards her. Its tail was raised in the air as it approached her.

Newt reached into his bag finally finding a toy-like object for the beast hoping to lure it away from the woman.

The animals in the cages were causing a commotion only for Newt to let out a bellow far better than Y/n's. The manticore struck its tail into the wall above her head causing y/n to duck and get out between the large beast and the wall.

The beast turned and began running at the two men. After catching the beast's attention with the toy Newt dropped it into his case only for the beast to jump in after it.

"That explains a lot." She laughed scratching her neck nervously. "Wizards?" She asked only for something in the older man's back pocket to explode with bright bursts of colour.

"I thought you placed a spell on that!" Newt exclaimed as the wand hopped out from Theseus's back pocket.

"I did!" He barked back at the sibling shooting it with another spell causing it to go limp. " What is with that thing?"

"Sorry but who are you and do you have a license to have that animal in your possession?"

Theseus found this rather amusing and grinned at his brother

"The real question is how do you know about the wizarding world," Newt asked intrigued, not seeing any sign of magic about her.

"Should we Obliviate her?" Theseus asked curiously. One of the tigers let out a roar as if to give out to Theseus for even considering the possibility.

Newt x Reader x Theseus - Fantastic BeastsWhere stories live. Discover now