Chapter 3 - "I have a bad feeling about this."

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After walking down the wooden ladder, Newt extended his hand for Y/n to assist her. Y/n expressed her gratitude by whispering a small thank you to Newt, who responded with a smile and a nod.

Theseus was hesitant, but he tried to trust her because his brother did. Even so, he reasoned that keeping an eye on her wouldn't hurt. As soon as he stepped down from the ladder, he trailed after the two animal lovers as Newt began to talk about every animal they encountered throughout the tour.

He was giving her a tour, pointing out all of the animals and telling her about some of his discoveries. "You certainly know a lot about all of these creatures."

"I did, after all, write books about them. And my discoveries."

She had to take a second glance at him to make sure he was telling her the truth. In disbelief, her mouth gaped open. "Could I take a look at your book?"

The two were like two children bonding, by the way, they were acting you wouldn't have expected them to be fully grown adults. Newt couldn't take his eyes off her out of pure admiration and said, "Yes! I'd love for you to have a look at it and let me know what you think! I'd appreciate the feedback!"

They rushed past Theseus on their way back to Newt's desk, where he rummaged through pages of writing and sketches of the creatures until he found his book. "My brother is far too modest; many a witch and wizard have praised his work, and he is establishing quite a reputation." Patting his brother on the shoulder, Theseus congratulated him.

"Well, that doesn't mean I don't want you to read it; I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, and if you have any constructive criticism, I'd love to hear it," he beams as he hands her the hardcover book.

She smiled as she took hold of the book and thanked Newt. 'You know, this looks fantastic," she said as she began flipping over a few of the pages.

Theseus took a seat at Newt's desk, compelling Y/n to sit cross-legged on the floor, examining the book as if she were studying it in depth.

"Well, you can look over the rest of it at home if you want since we need to find the other animals and I need to close up my case." Newt said becoming increasingly jittery getting anxious about the beautiful woman and the animals still on the loose.

She nodded closing the book careful not to crease the pages. "So, let's get started! We can't have them all parading around the city for all to see."

Following the woman up the wooden ladder, Theseus murmured, "Especially that Occamy." Newt was the last to depart, and he closed the case. "Get your wands ready, and try not to make too much noise."

The three began jogging through the streets of London at midnight and after an unsuccessful half-hour they were still searching.  "What if we just split up?"

"I don't have a wand," she says knowing she was at an immediate disadvantage.

"My book contains all of the information you'll need on these creatures, and you'll know how to care for them. These creatures aren't quite as difficult to deal with as the manticore you dealt with earlier." Newt said remembering her off movements slightly confused why it didn't attack her, he knew it would have calmed a hippogryph but certainly not a manticore.

"Okay, let's split up and we will meet back here at one." Upon agreement, the three split up running down through the street

After ruthless ventures finding nothing but cold empty streets and slippery frozen paths Y/n stopped to take a breather eventually deciding to simply stroll along half-heartedly breaking her swift jog. Y/n leaned against a window, exhausted from her busy day at work and now being thrown back into what she thought was the deep end of all these magic shenanigans once again, staying up all night. She looked at the small glimmer of light coming from the stand in the shop window only to see a recognisable animal sitting there stuffing expensive rings and necklaces into its pouch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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