part 5 chapter 2 Scarlett what a goth girl

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Scarlett: walks to school and notices a van stopping by her

Scarlett: umm hello? Do u need anything?

unknown person: grabs Scarlett and pushes her into the van and closes one of the doors behind them

Scarlett: huh! Let me go!! please!! Gets tied up and has something covering her mouth now

ash: u got her?

Unknown: yup l do boss

ash: good.. drives off

Alice: huh? Where's Scarlett?.. looks for Scarlett hmm she must be staying home today.. let me try to call her..

Alice: calls scarlett hears scarlett's phone down the street

Alice: huh? Sees scarlett's phone without her

Alice: thinks: something ain,t right..

Alice: calls the police

911: 911 what's your emergency

Alice: l think something's wrong my friend didn't answer and l found her phone on the streets.. l think she went missing..

911: ok what's the address of  the place your at right now

Alice: um it's willow high street

911: ok we will be sending cops at the place right now

Alice: ok then hangs up the call

cops: gets to the street where alice is at

officer Levi: ok do u remember anything before this happened?

Alice: well l said to Scarlett that we will hang out tomorrow.. and that's all l remember..

Officer Levi: ok then we will taking her phone to see if she had any text messages with anyone else or had connection to anyone else that could be the person who kidnapped her..

Alice: ok then..

Officer Levi: ok then have a nice day and we will be looking for Scarlett as well..

Alice: ok u too.. walks to school

Flora: hey u ok? u seem sad

Alice: oh a friend of mine gone missing..

Flora: oh am sorry but l could be your friend if u want

Alice: aww thanks my name's Alice what's your name?

Flora: oh am Flora nice to meet u Alice blushes at  Alice

Benjamin: thinks: looks like another rival to get rid of.. jeez how much rivals do l need to get rid of l already got rid of two already....

to be continued..

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