part 8 chapter 7 Avery and chole what two complete opposites

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the next day..

Benjamin: walks to school

Benjamin: sees chole and Avery talking..

Benjamin: hides behind something to spy on them

Avery: for the last time.. chole am not your friend and will never be..

Avery: jeez your so annoying..

Chole: oh ok then friend see u later...

Avery: thinks: she's so annoying she won't even listen to me!

Avery: gets to school..

Benjamin: thinks: l might have a ideal how to get rid of them..

Benjamin: gets to class

Finn: hey Benjamin what's up..

Benjamin: nothing much..

Finn: oh ok then..

after class

Benjamin: goes to rooftop and sees chole and Alice

Avery: sees chole with Alice..

Avery: gets jealous

Avery: chole what are u doing with Alice!!

Avery: walks to chole and pushes her to the ground

Alice: hey what is your problem.. Avery!
She did nothing to u... >:(

Avery: .....

Alice: know what stay away from me and chole u been rude to her for a month now.. and yet your not sorry for that

Chole: ..... Looks sad

Avery: glares at chole

Avery: chole this is your fault!! runs off crying

looks back at chole u ok chole..

chole: yeah am ok gets up.. ldk why she did that l thought she was my friend

Alice: does she look like a friend to u a friend doesn't be mean or rude to u ever...

Alice: she was toxic.. and u didn't see that

Chole: oh...

Alice: hugs chole hey it's ok l will be your friend

chole: blushes 😳
t,thanks Alice hugs Alice back

Benjamin: goes to where Avery is

Benjamin: sees Avery crying in the corner of the art room

Benjamin: hey Avery u ok..

Avery: .... she only likes chole doesn't she! it's all chole's fault

Avery: she's only acting like the victim so she could get close to Alice crying still

Benjamin: hmm l might know a way to get rid of her..

Avery: huh how?

Benjamin: l found this knife u could stab her.. since u want her gone so bad..

Avery: .... your right l could kill her.. :) thanks for telling me Benjamin

Avery: grabs the knife from Benjamin..

Benjamin: your welcome.. smiles..

Benjamin: watches Avery walk away and going to the rooftop

to be continued..

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