part 10 chapter 4 Oliver what a rude/kind person but is he really tho

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Benjamin: walks to the music club  room

Benjamin: hey Jay can u follow me l wanted to show u something

Jay: oh sure thing

Benjamin: leads Jay to one of the supplies rooms

Jay: so what did u wanted to show me Benjamin?

Benjamin: closes and locks the door behind him

Benjamin: well l wanted show u your death..

Jay: um... What do u mean by that starts backing away from Benjamin..

Benjamin: smiles bye bye!! stabs Jay in the chest..

Jay: dies..

Benjamin: well that was easy good thing l have these white gloves on

Benjamin:  gets the blood off of the clothes his wearing and gets the blood off of him

And he also gets the blood off of the white gloves his wearing

Benjamin: leaves the knife by Jay's dead body

Benjamin: calls the police

911: 911 what's your emergency

Benjamin: l found one of my classmates dead body's in one of the supplies rooms at my school!

911: ok whats the address to the school u go to.. so we can send cops there

Benjamin: it's willow tree highschool 479

911: ok then we will be sending cops there

Benjamin: ok then thanks hangs up the phone call..

Benjamin: goes to the others

cops gets to the supplies room of the school

Officer Levi: looks like the body was stabbed in the chest.. 7 times..

officer Bailey: hey Levi.. l found a knife and it has finger prints leading to a student here named Oliver.. we might know who killed this person

officer Levi: ok then.. am gonna go arrest him and tell Alice that we found her friend scarlett dead..

Officer Levi: walks to Oliver and Alice

officer Levi: points his gun to Oliver hands up!! your under arrest Oliver

Oliver: puts his hands up what did l do!!

Officer Levi: u know what u did! U murderer also put your hands behind your back

Oliver: ok then.. puts his hands behind his back and gets handcuffed

officer Levi: puts Oliver in the police car and stay there or it's gonna be the hard way for u..

Oliver: ....... Thinks: what did l do... L Didn't kill anyone..

officer Levi: goes to Alice..

Officer Levi: hey Alice l have to tell u something about your friend scarlett

Alice: is she ok did u find her Alive!

Officer Levi: look u might be upset about am about to tell u but we didn't find your friend scarlett Alive it looked she was dead  for about a week and she was already gone.. am sorry to tell that

Alice: oh.. starts crying..

Officer Levi: hey it's ok kid it's gonna be ok.. she's in a good place now but l hope u have a good day...

Officer Levi: walks away and gets to the police car and drives off from the school 

Alice: crying

Claire: hey.. are u ok what happened

Alice: my f, friend was found dead

Claire: oh am sorry about your lost.. but l can be one of your friends if u want

Flora: yeah besides u still have us!

Luna: yeah :)

Alice: thanks guys

Claire: blushes at Alice

Benjamin: thinks: looks like another rival to get rid of claire.. wasn't she the one who gets bullied by  Elle and Elise

Benjamin: thinks: well l just need to think how to get rid of her.. 

to be continued..

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