part 6 chapter 3 Flora what a shy girl

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Flora: sighs looks like l have another drama club meeting l guess l should leave my bag here.. besides there's a teacher here.. probably nobody would go into my bag.. right?..

Flora: walks to the drama club and gets there

Benjamin: waits until the teacher leaves the class room

Benjamin: goes into flora's bag for stuff he could report to the headmaster so he could get Flora kicked out of the school..

Benjamin: huh? Finds photos of a student named Luna

Benjamin: thinks: l guess she has a crush on Luna l guess but she has a crush on Alice as well..

Benjamin: thinks: l guess she likes two people hmm wait l might  have an ideal well l could put gifts on Luna's desk and leave a note their making it look like Flora made the gift and put it on her desk

Benjamin: thinks: but how would l know how Flora does her hand writing tho.. wait l could probably get a note she made one time for something and copy off that

Benjamin: thinks: good ideal

Benjamin: gets out of the class room before a teacher comes..

Benjamin: goes to where Flora keeps most of her notes at and grabs a note that Flora made without Flora noticing and gets out of the room his at..  

Benjamin: ok l just need to get to store now since schools over now

Benjamin: grabs his bag and stuff and goes out of the school

Benjamin: gets to the store

Benjamin: looks around for something Luna would like

Benjamin: hmm well this black cat stuff animal looks like something Luna would like..

Benjamin: grabs it and goes to check out

Mrs Annie: oh hey Benjamin how u been it's been a while since l seen u

Benjamin: oh hey mrs Annie am doing good thanks for asking

Mrs Annie: good to hear and also how are your parents doing

Benjamin: they're doing good.. for all l know

Mrs Annie: checks out the items Benjamin got

Benjamin: pays for the things he got

Benjamin: have a nice day Mrs Annie

Mrs Annie: u too Benjamin

Benjamin: gets home

Judy: oh hey Benjamin how was school today?

Benjamin: it was good mom where's other mom?

Judy: oh she's at work now.. she's working tonight..

Benjamin: oh ok goes to his room to pick up the gift for Luna..

the next day

to be continued..

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