part 7 chapter 6 Axel what a artist..

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Benjamin: thinks: well l could poison him  but when will l poison him

Benjamin: thinks: well l could poison his food around lunch time  l just need to find poison am pretty sure ash gave me some sometime for some reason

Around lunch time...

Axel: puts his food down on one of tables outside of the school so he could go talk to Alice

Benjamin: goes to where axel's food is

Benjamin: thinks: ok l need to do this real quick

Benjamin: puts poison in his food.. and runs off

Benjamin: spy's on  them..

Axel: hey Alice can l sit with you

Alice: oh sure thing

Axel: ok then l will be right back

Axel: grabs his food and sits at the same table as them

Axel: so Alice u doing anything after school today

Alice: no am not.. why u ask?

Axel: well l wanted to ask if u wanted to hang out after school today since today we don't have a club meeting..

Alice: oh  sure thing u seem nice enough ☺️😊

Benjamin: thinks: l don't think that's gonna happen Axel.. pretty sure it won't

Axel: eats his food

Axel: l don't feel good starts choking..

Alice: hey Axel u ok!? Do u need help!? Am gonna go get help!

Alice: runs to get help!

Axel: dies.. because of poison..

miss Arty: goes to see if Axel is ok..

Alice: ldk if his ok!? L hope his not dead..

Miss Arty: clam down Alice let me check if his still breathing

Miss Arty: check's if Axel is breathing still

Miss Arty: his dead Alice

miss Arty: am gonna call 911..  

miss rose: speaks through the school speakers

Miss rose: school will be cancelled today because of a students death police are still looking for who ever killed that student if anyone knows who the person is that killed the student please let me or the police know.. have a nice day/night and will see u next week..


Chole: hey! Alice what u up to lately? Blushing at  Alice

Benjamin: thinks: who is she? Also l guess another rival since l have two of them now
Avery and Chloe l might have a ideal now to get rid of them..

To be continued...

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