Read Me First

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If you're going to read this book, I ask you to follow a set of rules for my own happiness, and for yours.

1. Nothing about this book is going to change, no matter what you say. I'm so grateful for all the support, comments and advice I've gotten from Wattpad. However, I've realized that catering so greatly to other people's opinions and ideas has caused me to not recognize my own writing. Yes, I understand there is an area between creative sacrifice and listening to criticism, but I also acknowledge my own inability to walk that line. Therefore, in the most loving way possible: As much as I absolutely do still want to hear what you think of a character or what shocks and excites you through the comments, I do not want to hear your critiques.

2. Don't hyper-analyze the law. This book is heavily law-based, but it's not going to be accurate to a specific country. Some laws are Canadian, some are American and some are from other countries. I didn't do this to cut corners or make my own life easier; I did it because I wanted a form of law that best represented the whole world. And, since a major aspect of the story is questioning the nature of humans in general, I put an emphasis on specific laws that I find particularly interesting (ex. where I live, there's typically a longer and more serious sentence for drug trafficking than domestic violence). If you have to tell yourself something, tell yourself this book is dystopian. That being said, I'm not just making random things up; I'm very familiar with the police and court systems.

That's all! Thank you for considering this read! As a reminder, there are graphic depictions of drugs, violence and sex in this book. It's mature and contains a lot of possibly triggering content, so reach out to me if you've got questions regarding the material/if it's something you can handle.

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