1.05 Big Man on Berk

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They've been on Dragon's Edge long enough to actually set up the outpost when Stoick sends a Terror-mail requesting their help. A Scauldron is interfering with Berk's fishing lanes, and he needs them to relocate it.

Ragnar doesn't mind helping the chief, of course, but he's not exactly happy about leaving the Edge right now. He's trying to stock up on his healing supplies and is still nowhere near done.

He has balms and tonics and teas and ointments and a number of other treatments to make. After all, he'd much rather have a supply of things they don't need at the moment than not have something when they do.

He offered to stay behind on Dragon's Edge to keep an eye on things, but the others (mainly Hiccup) weren't having it. They said something about him overworking himself without anyone else there to make sure he takes a break. They're not wrong, but it's still annoying.

"Alright, gang," Hiccup says as they fly over the water just outside Berk. "We'll buzz past the Scauldron and get its attention so Astrid, Ruff, and Tuff can net it from behind and drag it out to sea. Got it?"

"I still think we should blast it," Tuffnut chimes in.

Ragnar glares at him. "For the last time, no."

"Stoick just wants us to move the Scauldron out of Berk's fishing lanes," Astrid adds. "So, don't get any crazy ideas."

"Uh, sorry. Crazy's what we do, Astrid," Ruffnut tells her. She twists so she's hanging upside-down in her saddle. "Duh!"

Fishlegs swallows hard. "You guys do realize that a Scauldron's hot water blast can rip the scales right off of a Screaming Death?" he points out nervously.

The Scauldron in question lifts its head out of the water with a screech.

"There it is," Hiccup says. He looks back at the others. "Let's focus, guys."

Ragnar fights back a yawn and shakes his head to clear it, focusing on the Scauldron in front of them.

Astrid and Ruffnut each hold one side of the large net. Their dragons speed up to get at the front of the group as they close in on the tidal class dragon.

Hiccup starts to count down, hoping this will be an easy catch. "One. Two. Three!"

Unfortunately, Fishlegs sneezes and alerts the Scauldron to their presence. The force of his sneeze also sends Meatlug off course. They slam into Snotlout, knocking him off Hookfang with a startled scream.

He lands in the net and stares with wide eyes at the angry Scauldron. "Help me!"

"Abort! Abort!" Hiccup calls right before Meatlug and Fishlegs also bump into Toothless.

"Oh, I knew I hated this mission!" Snotlout complains, still trapped in the net.

The Scauldron opens its mouth when he gets close enough, more than ready to take a bite. Toothless swoops down in time to distract it while Nightshade flies closer to the net.

"Get ready, Snotlout," Ragnar tells him, axe already in hand.

"Wait." Snotlout gasps, frantically shaking his head. "No. No. No. What are you-"

He cuts off with a scream as Ragnar cuts the net just above his head. He falls toward the water only to land in Hookfang's saddle, eyes squeezed shut and still screaming.

Ragnar rolls his eyes. "You can stop screaming now, Lout."

Snotlout stops and opens his eyes, sighing in relief when he realizes he's perfectly fine.

"Plasma blast, bud," Hiccup tells Toothless.

The Night Fury quickly sends a blast at the still angry Scauldron who disappears back underwater with an unhappy roar.

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