3.01 Enemy of My Enemy

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A couple of months pass with no sightings of Viggo. The Dragon Hunters are still a problem but no more than usual and seemingly without their reclusive leader.

None of the Riders are particularly happy about this lack of development, but Hiccup takes it the worst. Viggo's success at taking the Dragon Eye has left him with a grudge that seems to constantly sit in the back of his mind.

Ragnar worries (for obvious reasons) but he also knows there's really nothing he can do about it. Hiccup is one of the most stubborn Vikings he's ever met and the only way he'll let go of his rivalry with Viggo is when he finally beats the man at his own game.

It will happen, he knows, but until it does this is what they have to deal with.

As it is, life goes on and things on Dragon's Edge have actually been relatively calm. Naturally, this leaves Ragnar with the persistent feeling something is going to happen soon but, seeing as he can't stop whatever it is, he does his best to focus on what's happening in the moment.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" he asks, only half-serious.

Hiccup rolls his eyes. "Yes, Ragnar," he says yet again. "I know what I'm doing." He shrugs. "Besides, if I do end up cutting you then I'm prepared. I've got a healer on standby."

Ragnar rolls his own eyes. "Hilarious," he says flatly. "I suppose you think you're funny?"

"I have my moments." He tugs playfully at the ponytail in place of Ragnar's usual braid and picks up the prepared knife in his left hand. "Would you just trust me?"

"You know I trust you, Hic," Ragnar says without hesitation.

Hiccup smiles. The fact that Ragnar is letting him help with his hair at all shows how much he trusts him, but it's still nice to hear. It still causes a warm feeling to fill his chest.

"Thanks, Rags," he says softly. He readjusts his grip on the knife and meets his eyes in the small mirror sitting in front of them. "Ready?"

"Go for it."

A comfortable silence fills the room as Hiccup carefully touches up the blond's undercut. The sky outside is dark enough the rest of the Riders are either asleep or otherwise occupied in their own buildings, so it's only them and two dozing dragons.

It doesn't take long to finish, and Hiccup watches proudly as Ragnar runs his hands over the freshly shorn sides.

"And you doubted me," he teases.

Ragnar turns around on his stool to look up at him, eyebrows raised. "I never said that. I just know you've been a little distracted lately."

Hiccup avoids his eyes, easily hearing the unspoken reason for his distraction. "I just..." He trails off with a sigh. "Viggo's out there somewhere. He has to be."

"You're not wrong," he admits, "but that doesn't mean you'll find him. Not right now. Not if he doesn't want to be found."

Hiccup knows he's right, but that doesn't mean he wants to hear it right now. He makes a frustrated sound and nearly slams the knife still in his hand on the table, turning and starting to pace across the room.

The sound rattles a few jars sitting on the table and causes Toothless and Nightshade to lift their heads.

"I know," Hiccup says, frustration clear. "I know that but I just- the Hunters are still out there, right? If I can find one of them to question-"

"They won't tell you anything," Ragnar points out.

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do."

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