2.05 Snotlout Gets the Axe

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"Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!"

For all his excitement and confidence, Snotlout's plan (whatever it may have been) doesn't go well. Ragnar raises a judgmental eyebrow when he somehow manages to drop a target on Hookfang's tail and the dragon throws him off.

The twins stare down at him when he lands at their feet, both of them holding up eight fingers.

"The judge from Berserker Island gave you a six," Tuffnut tells him, hand raised to cover his mouth but not bothering to lower his voice at all.

"Uh, nice effort, Snotlout," Hiccup says, ignoring the way Ragnar and Astrid share an amused look. "We all need to stay sharp, especially with those Dragon Hunters on the loose."

Snotlout offers a weak smile and thumbs up.

"Are you actually hurt or is it your normal level of aches and pains?" Ragnar asks.

"It's normal," Snotlout says with a groan. He offers another thumbs up. "I'm good."

Hiccup shakes his head and gestures at Astrid. "Astrid, you're up."

She rests her axe on her shoulder and starts to walk over to Stormfly only for a new voice to draw everyone's attention.

"You really should loosen your grip a little, boyo," Spitelout says as he walks into the arena. "It maximizes the bone-shattering potential."

"Dad?" Snotlout says, confusion clear.

"Spitelout," Hiccup says, not all together happy about the new visitor. "Uh, what a- what a pleasant surprise."

Ragnar snorts quietly, grinning at Hiccup when he gives him a look for it.

Spitelout grabs an extra spear they keep in the training arena, inspecting the head of it with a frown. "Hm. Dull."

Snotlout stares at his dad in shock for another second before he manages a nervous chuckle. "Yeah. I was just telling them that, Dad," he claims as he walks over to join the man. "Hey, did you see that- oof!"

Spitelout grabs his shoulder with a large, heavy hand. "I come with news from Berk," he tells them, none too gently moving his son to stand beside him instead of in front of him. "There is to be a union tomorrow between two proud houses. Our family, House Jorgenson, and..."

Astrid scoffs quietly. "What kind of muttonhead would marry into the Jorgensons?" she asks in an undertone.

"And Astrid's family, House Hofferson," Spitelout finishes.

"Wait. Did he just say House Hofferson?" she repeats in disbelief.

Ragnar turns and does his best to muffle his laughter against Hiccup's shoulder.

"Stop it," Hiccup tells him quietly, clearly trying not to laugh himself. "Rags, stop. Come on."

"Just- just give me a second," he tells him, his own shoulders shaking as he tries to get himself under control.

"I can hear you!" Astrid snaps. She scowls at him when he slowly lifts his head, unable to even muster her usual amusement at the way he settles against Hiccup's side. "You're technically a Hofferson too, you know."

"Wrong," Ragnar says with a point. "I'm actually an unclaimed bastard, remember?"

"Oh, you can not just use that when it suits you," she protests.

Hiccup frowns at him, unhappy with the claim for an entirely different reason. "Don't call yourself that."

Ragnar shrugs. "It's the truth, Hic. It's the truth and always will be. Nobody else will ever forget it, so I may as well own it."

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