Chapter 2- Awake (Edited)

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Avery's POV:

My eyes opened and I saw a chandelier on the ceiling. I sat up and looked around. This room was very green and black. I was laying on a bed, a very comfy one in fact. Last thing I remember was getting dizzy because of stupid Kate. I looked around more and saw her sleeping on a chair in a corner. She was wearing different clothes. She was in sweatpants and a dark green hoodie. In the front of it had two brooms and the words 'Slytherin Quidditch Team' on it.

"Kate." I said but she didn't move. I decided not the bother her since she looked comfortable sleeping. I got up and looked around. I found the three kids from before talking in the bathroom. That's a weird place to have a conversation.

"Oh good your awake!" Pansy smiled and walked over to me. I nodded. She brought me to a couch opposite from where Kate was sleeping. She sat me down. "So, we told the headmaster about you and Kate. He decided to keep you here in Hogwarts with us. Tonight you and Kate will be sorted into your house at dinner. So that means we need to make you and Kate look presentable." Pansy smiled.

"Kate, Kate!" I yelled and she jumped up. She looked startled.

"Good your awake! Did they tell you?" She asked looking at Pansy and the two boys leaning against the door frame. I nodded in response. "Good, good. We should get ready now." Kate walked over to Pansy and I.

"Who's dorm is this anyway?" I asked while standing up. Mattheo raised his hand.

"Mine." He said standing up straighter while he put his hands in his pocket.

"It's very.... green. It's nice though." I smiled and walked out after Kate. As I left I heard the boys speaking.

"Mattheo, you've got a fan now." Lorenzo chuckled.

"Oh shut up Lorenzo." Mattheo scoffed. He slammed the door closed and I could no longer hear their conversation.

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