Chapter 6

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Levi showed me to my room after dinner. It was very aesthetic, I loved it so much!

Levi had left and I didn't notice.

I was getting dressed and as I was halfway through putting on pants, Asmo walked in. He didn't knock, he just walked in.

I grabbed the covers off my bed and used them to cover my half naked body.

"Don't worry. Keep going~" Asmo softly spoke, taking slow steps towards me.

"Asmo! Stop!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at him. He smirked at what I said, "YOUR SO DIRTY!"

WHAT IS HE DOING?! "Just let me get dressed and then you can come back in!" I yelled, bending down to collect my clothes.

"No, I'll stay in here and help you get dressed!" He said, cheerfully, reaching for my clothes.

"I don't think so!" I kicked his knee, but that made him fall onto me.

On my chest.

"I didn't know you were this desperate~" He spoke slowly, standing up straight, putting his hands around my waist.

I was speechless. What do I do in a situation like this?!

He scooped me up, his face just underneath my breasts. "ASMO! PUT ME DOWN!" He did exactly that, onto my bed.

Asmo had me on my back as he crawled over top of me. I must've been bright red because I felt a heat wave go across my body.

"Isn't it lovely. Your first day here and I am the first one to make a move~" he whispered into my ear. His warm breath against me ear made me shiver

"...what are you planning...?" I ask, trying to get out from under him.

"I just want to have a closer look at you. All of you~" he flirts, moving his head above my breasts.

Asmo looks at me and moves one of his hands down my chest, the other fiddling with a strand of my hair.

"I want to see your body from all different angles" He spoke softly, sliding the covers down with his teeth.

"...Asmo..." I whisper, biting my lip. I felt a hot wave go down my back again.

Someone, please walk in on us...

He had the covers halfway down my breasts when we heard a bang. "Someone is trying to intrude on us, let's speed this up a little...~"

"No, Asmo, please...!" I whimpered, I've never felt like this before, I didn't know how to react to this sort of feeling. I've never been in such an intense situation!

"[Y/N]? I was wondering if I could have a little chat with you to finalise about your stay here?" Lucifer quietly knocked on my door.

"Tell him your busy at the moment and you want to finalise in the morning." Asmo whispers, the blankets now completely off my breasts. He was admiring them, but he hasn't laid a finger on them.

"I-I'm busy-y at the m-moment!" I yelped as Asmo slid his finger across the side of my right breast. "I-I'll talk in t-he morn-ning!"

"Okay! Is everything all good? Your voice is shaky." Lucifer said in a worried tone. He seemed fairly worried for me.

"Yep!" I yell, looking Asmo directly in the eyes. I tried to make it a look of 'stop it' but the look came off as tears in my eyes and my face hot and red.

"Please, Asmo! Stop!" I whimper once again.

"Just push me away! Its not that hard~"

The thing is I can't! I feel weak and unable to move!

All I could manage to do was knee his crotch. 

He had collapsed off to the side of me and covered myself up again. I tried to find my top and bra, "Looking for these?" he stuttered.

I immediately spun around to see him waving my bra and top, "All I want is them, I don't want anything else from you!" I yell, stomping my foot, making the floor vibrate.

"Ooohh, someone's fierce. Just how I like all my bitches." Asmo responds, giving me a lustful glare, yet I can still see he is in pain.

I gasp in response and curse at him. I spun for the door but fell face first into the floor. Asmo had put his foot on the corner of the blanket to make me fall. "LET GO!"

"I won't let you go~"

"I just want to sleep!"

"And I want you all for myself tonight~"

"But it's almost 11pm!"

"So that leaves us with 7 hours to have sex." Asmo pulls the blanket towards him. I won't let him get his way, so I pulled the covers towards me.

He was so determined to do it with me, he took to his demon form. He has more power this way and pulled the covers with me holding onto them towards him.

He looked down.

I looked up.

BAM! "HUMAN! Come spend the night-" Mammon barges through my door. He paused at the sight he saw.

"Mammon! Save me!" I yelped, covering myself with the covers, reaching for him.

"[Y/N]?!" Mammon panicked and rushed to me. He scooped me up, making sure my front was completely hidden.

"I will be back, darling~" Asmo smirks, winking at me as Mammon rushes me out of my room.

The Fear Of Demons (Obey Me! x [fem!reader])Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora