Chapter 11

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It's gotta have been more than 3 minutes by now, right? I got up off the chair and walked to the door. I peeked out the window in the door and saw Barbatos with someone else. That someone else was...Lucifer-!

I rushed back to my seat and turned the chair around to I couldn't see them. They were so quiet; I could barely tell if they had entered the classroom yet. "Now, you've been naughty, haven't you?" Lucifer's voice slowly spoke. He sent shivers down my spine.

Cold arms wrap around my stomach, my arms held under them. I could see Lucifer in my peripheral vision. He seemed satisfied with the reaction from me. What are they planning?! "Do not worry about what other demons have told you, darling. Their words are fake." Barbatos whispers into my ear.

"W-what do you m-mean?!" I stutter. Barbatos squeezes my waist making me yelp, as he kneels behind the chair and slides his hands down to my thighs. I got my hands free and brushed my hair behind my ears.

"I mean, we are not horny because it's the 22nd year, but because you are just a really pretty girl. So was your sister. That is why she is coming here tomorrow to see her boyfriend." Barbatos explains.

His hands start to roam in areas that started to get hot. Lucifer walks in front of me and kneels as well. Why me?

Lucifer rests his hands on my knees. Within a blink of a second my split my legs open and Barbatos had my hands in his grasp.

Lucifer looks me dead in the eyes. "At s-school?" I ask, trying to shut my legs.

"Yes. We weren't allowed to take you away from school, but only to an empty classroom." He responds. He slowly puts his head between my legs.

Barbatos starts to pull my arms down, causing my body to slide down. With my legs still open, my lady parts slide right in front Lucifer's face. Both him and I go red, while Barbatos chuckles.

"I beg your pardon?" Lucifer growls.

"It wasn't me!" I yelp. I get my legs shut and yank my hands from Barbatos.

"Darling, we're not done." Barbatos sighs.

"We still have 3 ½ hours left before school ends." Lucifer stands.

"And I want to go to class!" I yell.

I think I'm getting on their nerves. I mean, I would do anything to get out of sex, right? 

The Fear Of Demons (Obey Me! x [fem!reader])Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang