
14 1 3

Requested by: TheEmoPunkIsaiah

Warnings: Virgil having a pan!c attač3, mentions of Thomas c00k!ng, swearing if you consider H-E double hockey sticks a swear, and Remus being kinda gross(depends on who ya ask) at the start.


AU: Canon/Whatever

 Thomas was cooking.

That's right. Cooking.

Normally, this wouldn't cause Virgil too much anxiety for him to have a panic attack but Thomas had recently messed up badly in an audition for a Hamilton play in his local theater. 

So there he was holed up in his room trying to breathe as he thought of the many ways Thomas could get hurt-and eventually die-from cooking(you never know with Thomas..).

Suddenly, Remus appeared because he was going to educate him about how a jellyfishes mouth is also its butt and many other fascinating stuff. When he first got there his expression was an annoying smirk then quickly turned into worry after spotting Virgil. He edged towards Virgils bed and sat down slowly on his bed while smiling(not creepily-well, TOO creepily-)Heya Virgil.." he looked at the other as he flinched and looked up. "Hi.." Virgil said staring at Remus cautiously.

"How about I get Janus cause I'm afraid I'll make it worse..?" he says chuckling nervously as he sunk out, not actually caring about Virgil's answer. About 30-45 seconds later Janus and Remus rise up while Janus sits on the bed and Remus lays on the floor wanting to help but worried that Virgil doesn't like him and is scared of him. "Heya Storm. How about you don't breathe in for 5 seconds-" Virgil took in a large breath following Janus' words while he slowly put up a finger as each second passed by "And out for 5 seconds. Janus and Virgil repeated this notion for about 4 minutes until Virgil was calmed down and breathing regularly again. "Do you want us to cuddle you or do you want us to 'leave you the hell alone'?" Janus chuckling softly. Virgil looked annoyed but gave in to the request "I want us to cuddle.."

So that's how Remus, Janus, and Virgil were cuddled up together in Virgils bed at 2 AM(don't ask why Thomas was cooking at that hour, he just was).

Hey guys! I'm so sorry if that was cringe and it was too short! I'll try to do better if it was.


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