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THE FIRST HOUR ON THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS WAS NEVER A QUIET ONE. It was filled with gossip, rants, who went where, Quidditch, everyone talking over each other, putting in their input. Mostly laughing at something stupid someone said, there was a lot of laughing. When the second hour came we might've quieted down a little. But when you don't see each other for two months there's a lot to talk about.

Today it was like that, but it was slightly different. It carried a weight it never had before. This was our last year at Hogwarts. Last time coming back here, the next time we'll be on this train we'll probably be crying and hugging.

But we didn't say it yet. We still had this whole year to go to, why start crying now?

"Did you guys go to the Quidditch world cup?" I asked, I'd been waiting a while to bring up the subject, and this tiny gap of silence seemed like the right time.

"Yeah I did, but not to the actual game." Ralph said. I raised my brow.

"You went to the Quidditch world cup without going to the Quidditch game?" I said, "Why would you waste money on tickets and then not go?"

"Yeah, my dad wanted to go, he just took me cause' he didn't trust me to stay at home alone."

"Where did you go if you didn't go to the game?" Abha asked.

"I went to explore whatever muggles do in the countryside,"

"You missed the game to look at the countryside?" I asked. I found it hard to believe that Ralph missed quidditch and explored a place with absolutely no interest, I mean yeah, he wasn't as into Quidditch as I was (he still played for the team,at his dad's 'request') He smirked.

"Yeah." I frowned, but I didn't push the subject.

"The game was really good, Ireland won."I said. Ralph turned to Abha.

"Diane thinks we've been living under a rock this whole time." Abha leaned in.

"Did your dad go?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said "He didn't get hurt, thank god. We got the Portkey closest to London to get out."

"I'm glad he's okay." Abha said.

"I can't believe that happened, wasn't security really tight?" Ralph asked. Ever since the world cup, tensions have been high all across the wizarding world, considering it was one of the biggest global events in the world and it was attacked by death eaters. None higher than my house, my mum was stressed out, and so was my dad. He and mum married during the first war, even though my dad's a muggle he knew more about the horrors of you-know-who and his army than I did.

"It was tight to stop the muggles from going in." I said "They weren't expecting terrorists." Terrorists. That's what my mum had called them. She was right, the Deatheaters were the definition of terrorists, but I still couldn't help feeling that the word was a bit too strong. Maybe it's because I associate "terrorism" with the muggles.

Fantasy, Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now