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"Are you putting your name in?"

"Hmm?" Diane murmurs, which I don't understand because she's looking straight at me (well, facing me, her eyes were somewhere else entirely)

"Are you gonna put your name in" I repeat.

"Um I don't know yet." She replies, "I wasn't gonna, but my mum wrote to me this morning to tell me to do it."

"Are you gonna listen to her?" I ask.

"I guess I have to, she's my mum."

"Well you shouldn't do it just because your mum says so, especially when she's not here to regulate it." I feel a sudden surge of anger towards Diane's mum, it's a death defying tournament, she doesn't have a say in it.

"That's what everyone else says" She says "you just used bigger words." I laugh. She turns to face me "are you doing it?"

"Yeah, I think I will."

"Like willingly?"

"Yeah, my parents don't actually want me to. Well my mum doesn't at least."

"Don't rub it in." She says with a frown.

"I'm not!" I say, "You asked!"

"I did." She admits "but you didn't have to tell me."

"You're ridiculous!" I say. She laughs, a high sparkling sound,Veela I think. Diane's part Veela, we read about how to spot a Veela (not that you needed any, their beauty was enough, and Diane was no exception) and that laugh is one of them.

"Who's this judge?" She asks "the one who chooses us"

"It's a goblet." She raises her eyebrows


"No!" I laugh "The judge is some magical goblet."

"Are you joking?"

"I read up on it." I say "I don't get it either, it seems stupid."

"Where did you read this?"

"A book about the Triwizard Tournament"

"Sounds like a bullshit book."

"It could be for all I know." Professor McGonnagall walks in, and with the mere sound of her shoes, she has the entire class quieted.

"Good morning students." She says in that thick Scott. "As you know, this year is the year you will all take your N.E.W.T'S" I groaned inwardly, I've heard this lecture too many times, and they always end the same way: a piece of advice that feels like a telling off.

"These exams will take you to your future, and these important study hours are too important to be squandered on foolish things. I trust that each and everyone of you will try your very best" She finishes sternly. The light bubbly air in the room is replaced by a nervousness from each of the students, some more than others. Unconsciously my attention had perked up during the speech, Diane on the other hand had stayed almost bored during the whole thing.

Diane leans in "Are you taking N.E.W.T'S for all your classes?" She whispers. I lean in so professor doesn't hear us and give us detention on the second day of school.

"Yeah," I say, I'm sharply aware of her scent, sweet but not sickening. "You?"

"Everything, except herbology."

"Herbology's the easiest class" I reply with a smile.

"Not when you hate bugs." She shudders and wrings her hands.

"That's what the gloves are for."

"The gloves are massive, big enough for one of those massive fucking beetles to go under," I laugh. Loud enough to get McGonnagall's attention.

"Am I interrupting something Mr.Diggory?" She says. I hear some giggles from the back. Jesus, have they never heard someone get told off before?

"No professor." I say. "Im sorry." She goes back to her lecture about transforming inanimate objects to living things.

"Stop getting me into trouble Marrion." I say.

"You're gonna get yourself into trouble."

"Technically, you're a bad influence."


"Because you're a Slytherin."

"And you're an impressionable little baby Hufflepuff."

"Basically." She laughs again, Jesus she laughs a lot. Am I that funny? I turn back to the McGonagall, Diane does the same. I glance sideways at her. Why has no one told me she's a Veela before? It explains why all of my mates had tried and failed to ask her out over the years, and why they were so intent (almost obsessed) with her.

Not to say that I hadn't paid attention to her. I paid the same amount of attention to her as most of the sane (and clever) boys of our year. Maybe a tiny little bit more.

I let myself get lost in my daydreaming before McGonagall calls class dismissed. I'll study up on it later. Everyone thinks I'm a great student but I really don't pay much attention. I learn better by myself. By the time I get up and pack Diane is already on her way out. I walk towards her.

"Hey Diane!"

"Yeah?" She says, and turns. Why did I do that? I think Why? What am I going to say?

"Ummmmm." She raises her eyebrows "Uhh..I'll see you next class."

"Uh..Yeah alright man, Bye!" She smiles graciously. Which I did not deserve. And leaves.

"Shit!" I turn around, It's Ralph Alton, Slytherin, and Diane's close friend. "That-that was bad."

"Shit." I reply.

"Yeah." He says "You looked liked you had constipation." I shake my head

"Shut up."

"Bye." He says with a full troublemaker smile.

"Why were you talking to him?" My best friend, Himanshu says behind me. I turn around.

"I'll tell you at lunch."

"Were you chatting up Diane Marrion over there?" He asks, grinning.

"No." We walk down the hall. "I was being friendly."

"Hmm you looked very friendly."

"Yes, we did, because I was being nice."

"Really nice." He runs the other way and disappears into a crowd before I can get him.

Fantasy, Cedric DiggoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu