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I always found that Dumbledore's speeches were always fun to listen to, and I normally hated speeches. There's something about feeding someone the best food and puddings on the planet before you talk that makes you an incredibly likable person.

"So!" Dumbledore said, smiling. "Now that we are all fed and watered I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices. Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list comprises some four hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe, and can be viewed in Mr Filch's office, if anybody would like to check it." He continued. "As ever, I would like to remind you all that the Forest in the grounds is out-of-bounds to students, as is the village of Hogsmeade to all below third year. It is also my painful duty to inform you that the inter-house Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

"No!" I shouted. This was first year as Slytherin captain, I lost last year to the Hufflepuffs (can you imagine losing to Hufflepuffs, you can't because you're probably smarter than that cunt Marcus) because of my shit seeker and this year was the year I was gonna get rid of him and finally win the cup! "You can't cancel quidditch!" I yelled. I wasn't the only one who felt that way because the room had broken into similar outbursts. I turned back, the Slyhterin qudditch team were cussing under their breath. "Painful duty my ass." I muttered.

"Calm down." Ralph said "It's only Quidditch." I opened my mouth to say something but Dumbledore continued despite the noise. It was really unfortunate the Ralph wasn't into Qudditch, he was really good but he only played on the team because his dad made him, and you're never very good at anything when somebody makes you do it. 

"This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teachers time and energy – but I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts –" He was cut short by a deafening rumble of thunder. I jumped and Abha yelped beside me, but it was barely audible as the doors to the Great Hall flew open with a boom. Standing in the door was a man hidden in a black traveling coat, with a long walking stick. Everyone in the hall turned to look at him.

"Who the hell is that?" Barbie asked.

"What kind of entrance was that?" Ralph asked.

"It was a good entrance." I said.

"No it wasn't, just because he had thunder it does not-" Ralph started.

"Shut up." Abha snapped. The man was making his way down to the teachers table, I say making his way but he honestly looked like he was about to fall down. He had a wooden leg, every wonky step he took made a dull clunk on the stone floors. A fork of lighting illuminated the man's face, bringing his face into sharp focus that there was no way this whole thing wasn't planned. One half of his face was scarred so badly that there was barely any face left, he had shaggy hair that looked as if it had never been combed or cut, there were parts missing in places. One eye was dark and beady, the other was strapped on, an electric blue ball swiveling through his head.

"There's no way that wasn't planned." I whisper to Ralph. "The lighting's too perfect."

"It's still not a good entrance." He whispered back.

Fantasy, Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now