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"How's the schedule looking this morning dear?" A sleepy Ralph says, sauntering into the great hall, tie looking like a disgrace. He sits down next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Terrible." I say, shaking him off. "Inside all morning."

"Ugh." He says. "What's first?"

"Transfiguration." I say. "Then divination,then-"

"Divination!" Ralph says with a sob "It's too early for divination!"

"No it's not, you're late, you have 15 minutes to eat your breakfast." He looks at me, like I'm not speaking English or something. "What are you waiting for? Eat!" He puts a bowl of cereal, and adds milk to it.

"What time did you go to bed?" Barbie asks.

"Dunno." He says, and continues eating his cereal.

"Third period is Defence against the dark arts." Abha says "Should be fun, with the new guy."

"He doesn't look like a very good teacher." Ralph says looking up at him to the teachers table.

"He looks scary." Barbie says.

"I hope we don't have Transfiguration with the Gryffindors again." Ralph says, tearing his eyes away from Moody.

"Oh,that was a mess last time." Abha said. Mess was selling it short, it was absolute madness, our generation of Gryfindors and Slytherins really despised each other, most likely due to the fact that Gryfindors were a bunch of stuck up cunts who think they're better than everyone else. I can't remember one Transfiguration lesson where there wasn't an argument over something stupid.

"They seemed to have learned their lesson, we're with the Hufflepuffs." Aishwariya says. "Honestly, you guys have to stop blaming everything last year on the Gryfindors." She throws a pointed look at Ralph and me. Last year, we'd gotten into a fight with the then-Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint. He was the definition of absolute fucking piece of fucking shit. We got into a yelling match about him not wanting to play in the Gryfindor v. Slytherin match because he said Malfoy's arm was still injured from a hippogriff attack (even though it really wasn't, it wasn't even broken) and I said he just didn't want to play in this bad weather. I called him a coward, he called me a whore and by the time the last syllables were out of his mouth, Ralph had punched him in the jaw, leading to a full blown fight in the great hall. Leaving us all to get 4 months of detention and me and Ralph weekly anger management classes from Professor Flitwick till the end of our seventh year.

"Oh!" I say "That reminds me, we've got anger management with Flitwick Thursday." Ralph groans.

"Already? Don't you think it's too early." He whines, I have a feeling he's about to burst into tears (even though I know he won't, not in front of Aishwariya, or me for that matter), so I don't push the subject.

"I reckon you two are the only people in the thousand year long history of Hogwarts who had to take anger management." Aishwariya says with scoff.

Fantasy, Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now