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It was just a noraml dya at tbhe arcade, y/n was playing space invaders after school instead of doing homework like i always would. i had nearly beat my high score when a deep voice came up behind me,

"move" he said loudly

she would recognise that voice anywhere, it was the voice of her long time hallway crush since 3rd grade. Hairy Stoyels.

Hairy was 8 feet tall with lots of tattoso and green kiwi jade forest avocado kale basil orbs and luscious brown locks. The first time I met him he pushed me into a locker, I was instantly in love. A few years later he moved nextdoor.

"What are you doing here Hairy, you never come to the Arcade" I asked. Maybe he was here to see me!!

"Why do you care y/n, go away this is my favorutie arcade game" he spat in my face while he scoffed at me.

"OMG its my favourite game too! How surpring" I said excitingly, maybe we can finally talk about something now.

"I didn't ask" Hairy growled. "now move you pig".

"My grandma makes a great bacon pie" i spoke.

He pushed me to the flloor harshly and started to play space where I stood seconds ago. My hip really hurt but I didn't care, we made eye contact!!!!!! We had a full conversation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE TOUCHED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I limped home happily to go write secret journal, I fell asleep quickly thinking happy thoughts :)


i really hope you liked the first chapter!!!! im iso exicted to the next chapter where you meet some more of the characters that will be in the story!!!!!

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