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1 week later

hairys pov

as i walk intio shool with nail next to me i see her. but nail wont stop talking about somethng im too distracted to listen. 

"HAiRY! are you even listening??????"

his loud voice scared me and i turned facing nail.


nail turns to me and just glares at me, oh well what he was talking about didnt matter anyways because she was infront of me now.

"hey" i say 

"hi hairy!" y/n says back to me, ugh this bitch i wasnt even talking to her i was talking to the girl standing behind her. y/n probably thought i was talking to her because shes so petite that i could see the girl behind her anyways,

"who are you?! move!" i say as i greet the girl behind her

y/ns pov

"hi hairy!" i say back to hairy. I cant believe that he decided to talk to me. OH WOW

I think i heard him says somthing else but i was so distracted by the fact that he tried to talk me that i couldnt comprehend it. 

as i was dayrdreaming, i saw lilianne me best frind in the entier world walking towards me. 


"i should probably gp" hairy says and walks away. ugh stupid lillianne ruined our conversatino, i was so sure that he wanted to ask me something :(

"hey, i didnt knoq that u and hairy were friends" lilianne says after hes out of sight. "haev u been asked to the dance yegt??"

"not yet but remember last year there was sooo many people im sure that theyll start asking me soon" i blurted out. 

"ok suree" replied lil banana

liliannes pov

"y/n ...... tehres something i need to tell you....." i say. 

"OMG TEA?" says y/n rather loudly, this bitch fr "i need to go to the bathroom first gimme a sec"

a bit after she walsk into the bathroom the school fire bell starts ringing, a fire!!

authors note:

sorry guys this took so long to update i had some family issues, my grandma is suing my dad because he pushed her down the stairs and then her toilet starting spurting lava!! we also had to send her to the old peoples home which was very emotional so ive been in my little depressed era for a bit. ANYWAYS hope u enjoy the chapter :)))))

ps my grandmas totally fine she broke out of the old peeps home and kidnapped my cousin from the mental hospital and they got married!! i wasn't able to attend the wedding but it seemesd super cute, she posted a bunch of photos on facebook lol

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