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hairys pov

as i walk away from the locker and y/n i see liam.

"oh my gosh heiii" says liam

i don't say anything and just glare at him.

"anywayz i saw you talking to y/n! are you guys friends because if nots i think you should totally ask her out to prom as a joke like i can pay you and everything." he says.

ugh i hate the way he talks its like hes always on steriods.

right before i reply somehting clicks in my head, this could actually be fun.

"well how much are we talking" i ask. i dont want to give him an answer yet in case hes not going to pay me a good amount.

"20 bucks, soylid huh" liam says

hmm. 20 bucks is a lot of money to spend at the arcade the place i love the most. maybe hell go higher thiough i should see just in case.

"50" i say back to him.

"sorry mate i only have 30 bucks on me i spent a looooooot of money on durgs recently" liam says.o

so he is on durgs, that explains so much!!


liam slaps the money into my hand, grabs my hand and pulls me into a bro hug.

"ok great" liam giggles as he holds out his hand in an offer to shake on it. i just walk away from him with the money

sometimes i worry about liam and what the fuck hes going to do once we leave school but its ok im sure he can join a biker gang or something. you know maybe not hes a bit too unicorn for that but hell find something.

as i walk away from liam y/n passess me on her way into the bathroom. i walk to my next class which incedentlayy is in the same direction as y/n is going. she turns into the bathroom and as i joke i decide to lock her in, then i continue to my next class.

halfway throigh my class the fier bell goes off. we get evacuated to the football feild.

5 minutes later

as we stood in a line, the teacher calls out names from our class

"hairy stoyles?" the teacher yells above the loud fire bell

"here sir." i say annoyed wondering whch dumb kid pulled the bell as a joke.

you may be wondering why im thinking this. welljust in the past month the school bell has been set off muiltupe times. once by jonny this year 8 who i think is on the hockey team, another by two girls and just last week a kid who wanted to skip his math test. in the whol,e school histoey i dont think theres ever been an actual fire, why would there be one now. so ovbiously i have every right to wonder so.

i have a feeling that im forgetting something but thats ok in the worst case it will burn right.

"y/f/n" the teacher calls.

no answer

"y/f/n are you there!!"

as i mute the teacher out because omg will he just shut up already i see zayn zoned out. what the hell???? hes been like this since summer ended. as i focus on him more i see that hes staring at lilliane banasewtiz. isnt th,a t y/ns best friend... wait. where is y/n. and why is zayn looking at her best friend. shit the teachers been frantically calling for y/n for like a minute now where is she.


i locked her in the bathroom.

"liam!" i screeched over the mutilpe teachers

liam turns to me confused "whats up mate you alright?"

"no! i mean yes! no! not realyl!" i scream franticly

"mate what the fork?" liam asks as i run in the direction of the shcool. away from everyone and towarda y/n.

as im running through the school (which is actually on fire) i think wait wtf am i doing?? i dont even care about y/n .s.he.s ..just my annoying as neighboure....wait omg yes the bet! how could i forget the sweet 30 bucks i made!!! liam is a bit silly sometimes. i seriously worry about him but anyways i can worry about hum later my mission is to unlock y/n from the bathroom. once i let her out shes going to love me forever and i can take her to the dance easily.

y/ns pov

i am in a bathroom alone. i am stuck. i cannot open the door. the door is locked. the fire bell is going off.

a=panick kicks in. i do the first thing i can think of. i start screaming really loudly maybe someone eiwll hear me .

an: guys just imagine a really loud and annoying bird

i dont know how long ive been lying on the floor of this bathroom screaming but i fnially hear someone outside the door. OMG MY PRINCE CHARMING IS EHRE.

"isthere anyone in here?" a familiar voice calls to me from outside

the door opens.


hairy stoyles break down the door in one swift motion. omg i knewit. he was my price chraming

he hands out his hand oufo, as i reach for it my fingertips touching his, he YANKES me out of thr bathroom. once we get into the halway and see the school exit, he throws me down the corridor like a javellin. i fly out of the door and land on my teacher outside of the school.

"oh well hello there" i say chipperly to him before i realise i knocked him out.

as i lay on top of my unconsious ice cold teacher i think about how hairy saved me so herocially. hairy obviously loves me so much!

a/n: heyyy thank you guys for so many reads on my story. im really sorry i hvent posted an update in a while my mom went on a girls trip but she never came back turns out she drowned but when the dead retrieving people retrieved her back on land she was half mermaid so turns out she's in h2o and her she's actually emma with 2 m's which obviously isn't as cool as my name which only has 1 m anyways not the point when her autopsy came back we found out she actually died because vecna got her while she was drowning crazy right! anyways i'll be back to posting soon love all of you lots have a great day sorry for any inconvenience!! xoxo so heres a long chapter to make up for it again sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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