Lucifer braganza

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Lucifer Braganza is a shy and socially awkward person from Baga, Goa. Troubled by a troubled childhood and his religious father's denial of homosexuality, Braganza seduces attractive young men at home, where he experiments and kills them, trying to create a living zombie that will never leave him or his. Justice will not do.

Flashbacks to Braganza's past reveal that he killed his first victim, a hitchhiker whom he had encountered in his hometown of Anjuna, when he was a teenager. Flashbacks also reveal her father and Lucifer's troubled relationship with his alcoholism. In the present, he rationalizes his crimes in Goa over his parents' divorce and emotionally detached childhood. Braganza invites men from bars and clubs home, then he rapes and kills them.

At a fishing shop, Braganza meets a charismatic young man named Rodney and invites him home, intending to murder him, but as the night progresses and the conversation becomes more personal, Lucifer becomes emotional. facing crisis. Rodney confesses his romantic feelings for Lucifer, but avoids him. During their evening together, Lucifer nearly strangles Rodney with a belt, but Rodney escapes from the apartment. The film ends with a flashback of Lucifer as a teenager, who goes to a therapy session at the behest of his father; When he arrives at the doctor's office, however, he turns away from the door and heads into the woods. A title card then states that Braganza was convicted of murdering 17 people, and was murdered in prison in 2021 after serving two-years of his life sentence by a cellmate.

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