The haunted house ?

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Andy Shaw, a 31-year-old eccentric billionaire, invites five strangers to a party he's reportedly renting to his wife Poorva at a haunted house. He promises each of them ₹50,000,00 with the condition that they will stay in the house all night after the doors are closed at midnight, all the windows are closed, and there is no phone or radio to use. . Guests are semi-professional racer Arnav Singhal, newspaper reporter Neha Raichand, psychiatrist Dr. Rustam Burmawala, who specializes in hysteria, Vaidehi Desai, who works for one of Shaw's companies, and Randhir Sood, the owner of the house. . They are all strangers to Shaw and to each other, their only similarity being their never-ending lust for money.

Shaws had a strained relationship. Andy is convinced that Poorva tried to poison him to gain his wealth, which Purva somewhat categorically denied, leading to his suspicion and jealousy.

Randhir believes that the house is actually the haunt of the ghosts of those who were murdered, including his own brothers; He claims that he had spent the night there before and was "almost dead" upon meeting the next morning. He visits the house, including a bucket of acid in the basement, which a former resident used to kill his wife.

When Arnav and Vaidehi are left behind to explore the dungeon, Arnav is locked in an empty room and shot in the head, while a dangerous ghost confronts Vaidehi.

Poorva warns Arnav privately that her husband is plotting something and suspects that his second and third wives have been murdered after his first wife goes missing. Guests learn the rules of the party below, and each is given a Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammer for safety. Faced with further apprehensions, Vaidehi decided not to stay the night, but the caretakers closed the doors five minutes earlier, taking that option out of the hands of the guests.

Hearing a scream, Arnav and Rustam find Poorva's body, suspended for suggesting that she hanged herself, but the absence of a perch immediately raises suspicion of murder. Vaidehi confronts Arnav and tells him that an invisible assailant strangled her and left her dead. In the light of Purva's warnings, they both suspect Andy. He tells her to stay out of sight so that her attacker still feels that she is dead. Arnav and Rustam propose that everyone stay in their room and shoot anyone who enters to survive the night. Thus the innocent will have no reason to leave their rooms (and a good reason to stay inside) and the murderer must remain guilty or plead guilty.

Vaidehi is chased from her room to the basement by Purva's ghost. Excited by the ghostly voices, Rustom concludes that the killer is about him and proposes that he and Andy part ways to search the house. Arnav uncovers a secret room at the end of the second floor hall, but the door closes behind him as he enters, leaving him trapped. Instead Rustam meets Poorva, who pretended to be her death by using a hanging harness and sedative. Secretly lovers, the two of them plot various mishaps to manipulate Vaidehi into killing Andy. Vaidehi, seeing Frederick entering the basement with a gun in hand, actually shoots him. After he escapes, Rustam slips to throw Andy's body in a bag of acid, and the lights are extinguished.

Poorva goes to the basement to confirm her husband's death. A skeleton rises from the acid, accuses him in Andy's voice, and pushes him into the vat. Andy emerges from the shadows, holding the puppet control unit that he used to manipulate the skeleton and revealing that he knew their plot all along.

After Vaidehi, Randhir and Neha release Arnav from the secret room, Vaidehi tells them that she shot Andy. When they reach the basement, Andy explains that he had loaded his gun with blanks, and that his wife and Rustam had conspired to kill him, and that they both met their ends in a vat of acid. He says that he is ready for justice, to decide whether he is innocent or guilty. Randhir is convinced that the house is haunted, Rustam and Poorva have now joined the ranks of the ghosts, and he will be the next victim.

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