The Psychotic lover

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Successful lobbyist Anjali Khanna breaks up with her boyfriend Andy Shaw after he refuses to fulfill her desire to start a family. Two months later, she meets a charming man, Adit Oberoi, who works in IT for another company. They quickly become close and he works his way into the hearts of his friends and family. On the way home from Devlali's trip to meet her parents, a stranger at a gas station asks Anjali about Adit's Hyundai Elantra. When the station owner orders them to leave, Adit attacks the man, and Adit and Anjali leave with the car. Upset with his actions, Anjali decides to break up with him that night.

Over the next several weeks, Adit stalks Anjali for her job, and makes several phone calls even after changing her phone number. Unbeknownst to Anjali, Adit also enters her house with his spare keys. He goes through her belongings, hacks her computer, and kidnaps her dog. She finally decides to go to the police, meeting with Inspector Rochak Saxena, who advises her that Adit keep a record of any attempts made with her. Anjali later finds a threatening note and a red rose attached to her car and files a restraining order against Adit, losing his job.

Later, Andy approaches Leah to rekindle their relationship and Anjali eagerly agrees. One night, Anjali and Andy are seeing Adit at a restaurant, and Andy strongly/sternly warns him to stay away. They inform the police and, after Rochak interrogates Adit on the violation, Adit pleads his innocence saying that he was not aware that she was there and that Andy was aggressive towards her. Rochak lets him go.

One night, Vaishnavi Patil, Anjali's neighbor, discovers Adit inside Anjali's house. And he pushes her down the stairs, killing her. Adit secretly videotapes Anjali and Andy while they sleep and make love and uses Leah's work email account to send videos to her coworkers and clients of her business, forcing her to be suspended from her job. Are being given. Adit also smashes Andy's car, causing it to crash, and suffocates the injured Andy.

Both Anjali and Rochak are convinced that Adi is involved in Andy's death, although they do not have the necessary evidence to convict him. After further investigation, Rochak learns that Carter's real name is Aditya Dalal, and changes his identity after similar harassment. As the situation escalates, a concerned interesting tells a story to Anjali of a friend who bought a 12-gauge Remington shotgun that she loaded with two bean bag rounds and five live shells. Rochha points out that the bean bag rounds, if fired as the first warning shots, would justify the intruder's position and this means that Leah should take such an action that Anjali buys a shotgun.

Anjali along with another woman, with a new identity, searches for Aditya. She intimidates him and files another restraining order against him in front of his new employers, once again fired. She then manages to find his whereabouts, where he supervises her, as well as finds his dog. She destroys several of his computers and dares him to follow him again.

That night, Aditya breaks into Anjali's house, and after luring her into an empty room, she points her gun at him. After he manages to get the gun out of his hand, the conflict ensues. Anjali manages to recover her shotgun and, as per Rochak's story, shoots Aditya twice with a bean bag round as a warning to kill her, while claiming that the bean bag round is all that shotgun. is in. When Aditya continues to attack, believing that Anjali cannot kill him, Anjali shoots him with a live shell from the gun; A mortally wounded and stunned Aditya has enough time to listen to Anjali's confession that she lied about not having any live shells before dying.

A now relieved Anjali reveals Rochak to Aditya as an intruder, and the police expel his body from their house.

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