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Days passed, calls were wasted. Me and Elizabeth got really close in the last period, which was really helpful considering that, between all the cast of the show, she was the only one that I used to know (just saying, considering their fame). My respect, my affection grew more and more every time that a hint of insecurity showed up.

So I found myself the day before the first show out NY, San Francisco. Unfortunately, caused by my contract with the pub, I wasn't able to perform for New York's dates, since I was already busy. I 'argued' with Elizabeth not pay me for those dates, since I couldn't be there, but I stated it wasn't in her nature discuss about something she already decided. In one way or another, although these gestures made me feel a bit uncomfortable, she made me feel part of her world. A world that I didn't know even its shadow. So I finished packing my stuff, making sure, as usual, not forgetting anything. Well, it seemed like that.

That feeling of anxiety showed up more than before, just a few hours before this new adventure, once locked the suitcase. I knew myself way too much, if I'd listened my thoughts I would have spent the night wide awake. And I didn't have the intention to be without strength my first day of a 'real' job. I took an herbal tea and went to bed, falling asleep surprisingly a few minutes later.

The plane mixed between those masses of water drops, the sun was beating on my sunglasses lens while my gaze got lost in the world below. A comfortable silence, while I was sitting next to Elizabeth. Weirdly I had not yet had the time to meet the rest of the crew, caused by the sudden decision took by Elizabeth to spend the duration of the flight only with me, in the first class. I thought she wanted to put me at ease not knowing, in fact, no one of them.

I slightly turned my gaze towards the seat next to me, finding her face lost between the arms of Morpheus. She was sleeping, not too deeply, but relaxed. A smile appeared on my face, she had such an angelic gaze, highlighted by the sunlight which was leaving that day. I would have looked at her for all the rest of the flight, like she was a rare atmospheric phenomenon. I took her coat which was covering her from the waist up, pulling it up to cover her to her shoulders by the air conditioning which was a bitter cold. I jumped a little when I saw her moving, afraid I had waken her up, but a gesture from her left me pleasantly surprised. She got closer, still in her sleep, laying her head on my shoulder. I particularly took this action to heart, it was like, in some way, satisfied both of us. Her, secure, confident, free. And me, on cloud nine.

The flight lasted at least 6 hours and one hour before the show, I found myself in a huge theatre. It wasn't too luxurious, but comfy. There were large dressing rooms and I was sharing mine, weirdly but not too much, with Elizabeth. I knew her attachment to me, and of course it filled my heart with joy being so exclusively close to a star like her, I knew she wanted to put me at ease... but sometimes it seemed she wanted to spend any seconds of her days with me. However, this behavior wasn't so different from mine, I could say I was a bit sad when she wasn't around.

I was getting used to this life, I was getting used to her presence.

Elizabeth was in front of me, adjusting her makeup for the show, when we heard a knock from the door.

"Come in!" She said.

The door opened and in front of us appeared the man who stole the actress's heart for a while, Richard Burton. He looked at me with a questioning look, but composed. I stood up, giving him my hand.

"Mr Burton, I'm Iria, it's a big honor to me meeting you!" I said with a hint of excitement, but without losing the composure. He held my hand, hinting a smile, but without leaving that questioning gaze. His attention went towards Elizabeth, who was looking at him at the same time.

"Richard, as you know now, she's Iria. She's an amazing singer, so talented, so I decided she will open our show gracing us with her voice."

The facial expression of the actor turned from doubtful to shocked. He didn't say anything, but even though he was one of the best actors of that era, his face failed. His gaze went on me again, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. Although I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't love to leave a bad impression of myself to people. Finally, he spoke,

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