[DS!Dreammare] - [Hurt/comfort] "Late night walk"

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ayy so uh I decided on impulse to write this at 10:33 pm so uh I hope ya'll like it anyway (if I even finish it :person_bald:) (edit: it's now the next day at 12:40 pm) (edit 2: it's been like probably weeks later but it's 1:28 am now wooooo) (edit 3: it's 2:11 am and I finally finished the oneshot, now reading over it the final time :D it'll prolly be published as ur reading this so yay)

Also, a bit of context,,:

This oneshot takes place after ending B, if you haven't read it already go ahead and do so, so you can understand some things a bit better-

(here it is if you wanted a link: https://onebizarrekai.tumblr.com/post/161906119674/dreamswap-another-outcome)

Also also,,, the Meme Squad's house was destoyed for plot reasons so they have to stay at J.R. for a while, and that's why Nightmare wakes up in the J.R. building-

I know this is gonna be shit and cringe cuz I suck at writing, but eh, I tried

also spelling mistakes ahead probably,,,

oh and I almost forgot to say the characters are humans in this oneshot, but still with magic and shit involved cuz why not-


"No-!" Nightmare sprung up from his slumber, breathing heavily and crying. He blinked a couple of times, registering he was awake and that he just had a bad dream. The former negative guardian shakily sighed, pulling his knees up to his face and hugging them. "God dammit... Why do I still have these nightmares if I know Dream doesn't wanna kill me anymore?..." As Nightmare sat there staring at his lap, tears still leaking from the corners of his now golden-colored eyes, he heard muffled quick but gentle footsteps slowly getting louder, as they were probably heading to his room. The door slowly and quietly opened, as it revealed none other than Dream, with a stoic face though worry was hidden behind his eyes.

"Nightmare? Is everything alright?" The taller asked.

"I'm fine- G... Go away..." The shorter replied, his voice shaky from crying. The taller guardian sighed a bit as he quietly shut the door, walking over to the bed Nightmare was sat on. Dream climbed onto the bed and sat next to him.

"I can tell something is wrong, Nightmare... Would you mind telling me about it?" Dream queried as he gazed at the smaller. There was silence for a moment before the black-haired male lifted his head up a bit to look at the blonde, still hugging his knees.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Nightmare said as he looked away from the taller male,  turning his gaze to the window at the side of the room. The curtains were drawn almost covering the whole window, except there was a small crevice where you could see outside a bit. A few small raindrops fell onto the window every now and then, making soft noises as they hit the glass. It was late at night, and the stars twinkled softly. The quiet noises of the city could barely be heard as the room was higher up on the building.

"Well, alright... I'll try not to pry too much then." Dream responded, blinking once as he looked away from Nightmare, to the window aswell. After a few seconds of silence, Dream got up from the bed and walked over to the window, pulling one of the curtains to the side to get a better look outside. "It's raining outside, though it only appears to be a drizzle-" Dream turned to Nightmare. "And, though it's quite late, would you think going on a little walk outside could help calm you a bit?" Dream asked the shorter, patiently waiting his response.

"You know what? Sure, why the shit not-" Nightmare started "Not like I can go back to sleep anytime soon now-" as he got up from the bed aswell, walking over to the door and opening it. "Race you to the elevator-" And with that, the black haired male dashed out the door. Dream sighed and shook his head, though smiling a tiny bit as he walked at a normal pace out of the room, proceeding to teleport to the elevator like a cheater. As Nightmare got to the elevator aswell, he screeched to a halt on his feet.

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