[Klapollo] - [slight angst with fluff] "The stars are beautiful"

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yea so this was inspired by the pic above

Which is

I took a ss cuz I was lazy and didn't wanna copy n paste the artists name but ye

The narration is pretty much Apollo's thoughts/all from his perspective,, except its not first person perspective cuz im so quirky/j

Hope u understand what I mean tho 💀

Klavier Gavin and Apollo Justice were walking side by side, late into the night. They were just leaving the venue at which Sebastian Debeste, one of Klavier's colleaugue's birthdays were being held- Apollo had only met this person once or twice, but he was still somehow invited to his birthday. It was suprisingly not as awkward as he thought it'd be- Because a few people he had met before and/or were friendly with were also there. His own boss, Phoenix Wright- Miles Edgeworth, Mr. Wright's husband and the cheif prosecutor- Simon Blackquill, Athena's closest friend and a prosecutor he faced off in court once with- even Trucy was invited to Prosecutor Debeste's birthday party. And of course, there was Klavier too.

He had offered to drive Apollo to the party, which Apollo declined at first- Until he realized he had no idea how to get to the place the party was being held. The emails that were sent stated the area the party was being held, but it didn't give any instructions as of how to get there. Klavier was close with Sebastian, and they texted sometimes so Klavier could simply just ask how to get there. Debeste apparently accidentally deleted the original email(s) instead of sending them at first, and forgot the instructions on how to actually get to the party venue the second time he typed them out. So after he realized his mistake he texted everyone how to actually get to the venue. Thank whoever invented texting over the phone.

"Herr forehead, you there? You seem to be lost in thought." Said a farmiliar voice from beside Apollo.

Apollo shook his head as if trying to snap himself out of his thoughts. "Oh, sorry- Were you saying something?"

Klavier laughed a little at the shorter man. "Ach, it's alright. And, yes, I said 'The stars are beautiful tonight, don't you agree?'."

Apollo stopped walking as Klavier did the same. The brunette looked up at the sky- and, the stars were indeed beautiful tonight. "Yeah- They sure are pretty-" Apollo agreed, sliding his hands into the pockets of his dark red jacket. It was chilly outside tonight, so they were wearing heavier jackets.

"These stars are almost as pretty as the one next to me" Klavier looked to the right of himself where Apollo stood, smiling.

The shorter man felt his cheeks heat up, he blushed at the taller's comment and looked away. Klavier smiles even more at the poor defense attorney's reaction, chuckling at his expression. That damn gorgeous bastard- Why does he always keep saying things like this? He must know these sorts of flirtatious remarks always catch Apollo off guard, and make him go red in the face.

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