Ink sans x reader highschool au!1!1!1!!'!11 (crack oneshot)

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Onece upon a time there wa a girl named y/n and she was such a quriky baddi
he was in love with ink snads the pooplar guy from her high school

"Uuwwuuwuwuwuw today I'll cofnfess to inky senpai!1,1!1" sai y/n dressesing up in black ripped jeans andh a sweter as she took her hair unp into da auick messy bun and pdut in her glasses and th went to scool

Tyhre she saw her crush inker!!1!1111 he was so hat y/n thought as she made hr way to ink, he thik ass clapppig as hse walked "h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hi oink........." said why n blinking cutely and shyly

Nik lokdd at y en and exvakimed '"hi y!!!!1!1!11@ I have somgthing to tel you,!1!1...." I have somgthig to tell yuo to..... said why

They stared at eachter cyteky and both sayed "I like u!111!1!1!!!!1!1!" Tey both blushed so hard "yo-y-y-y-yu-y-y-y-y-you rly liek me..................?" Said wyan shyly cutely adorabky Ink msiled hotly!1!1!1 "yes of cjrose i do" he pilled whyenn close and breathd on hhr face

And then the schurl explodid and they both dyed thend

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