[Crorror/Cross x Horror] - [fluff] "Crush"

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ok so this idea came from a fic I was reading (I'll spare most of the Details cuz ya only need to know a few) where Cross was being an abusive douche towards Horror, and out of spite I decided to write a wholesome, healthy, fluffy oneshot of Horror and Cross- also cuz there's prolly no other content for the ship either so- Crorror shippers come get ya'lls juice

notes: sentences in ' ' are thoughts.

Anyway, that's it lol- enjoy ig :D


Cross yawned, stretching as he walked out of his room, down the dark corridor of Nightmare's mansion. It was morning, and he assumed he was one of the first to wake up, seeing that no one was in the living room, nor at the dining table as he entered. The former royal guardsman looked over into the kitchen, seeing Horror cooking breakfast. The taller skeleton was humming softly as he made breakfast, and it looked like he was making pancakes- Cross waddled into the kitchen, getting up onto one of the stools at the counter. Horror's head perked up as he heard the noise of the stool being moved back, and the slight creak of it being sat on. The spooky skeleton looked behind himself seeing Cross, and smiled warmly. "Mornin', Cross." He said to the black and white clad skeleton.

"Morning." Cross replied groggily, still sort of waking up.

"I'm makin' pancakes- ya want chocolate chips on yours, right?" Horror asked.

"Yeah- Thanks Horror.." Cross answered. The early mornings were usually the calmest time throughout the day, because only Horror, Cross, and sometimes Nightmare would wake up earlier than the others. It was nice, because there wasn't any chaos. And Horror and Cross were usually alone together... For some reason, Cross felt different around Horror than the others, but he only recently started feeling this way. Horror used to scare Cross, but as they got to know eachother better, Cross started to think Horror was actually a pretty sweet guy. He always cooked for the gang, and did most of the cleaning aswell- He'd also often help the others with their chores around the house. And he was just really pleasant to talk to, he's really chill. Cross tried to convince himself it was just because he wasn't as cold as Dust, and wasn't as rambunctious as Killer and he never got so annoyed or angry all the time like Nightmare... But the monochrome skeleton just couldn't shake the feeling, that it might be something more than that he was "different" than the others... 'Maybe, I'm starting to form a crush on Horror?...'

'Woah, what? No, that can't be it- I'm just overthinking again... right? Well, after all i've just woken up- Yeah, I'm just thinking weird random thoughts because I'm tired, that's all.' Cross thought, trying to brush off the thought that he maybe possibly had started to fall for Horror. To think of it, he didn't really have much of a problem with liking Horror- it's just that he was worried said skeleton might not feel the same as him- and their friendship would be ruined. So Cross tried to push that thought aside for now. He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a plate slide on the counter in front of him- On the plate were 3 perfectly cooked pancakes with chocolate chips baked into them, and some sprinkled on top- Cross could immediately feel his mouth water staring at the delicious looking pancakes. Before the oreo colored skeleton dug in, he looked up at Horror and smiled. "These look amazing Horror- Thank you."

"Aw gee, you're flattering me- It's nothin', but i'm glad ya think so-" The wonderful cook of a skeleton smiled back, his cheek bones rosy. "Now you should dig in, don't want 'em gettin' cold-" Cross nodded, picking up a fork and knife and cutting a piece of one of the pancakes off, stabbing the piece with the fork and biting it off. The pancake was just as good as it looked- It was so fluffy and sweet, it was the best pancake Cross had ever eaten. Cross couldn't fathom how good Horror was at cooking and baking- He has to be using some sort of magic with every meal he makes- It's just that good! Cross savored every bite he took, it was like heaven in solid form- It was so fuckin' bussin he might just have a food orgasm-

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