Wow, that's a coincedence

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Sorry we haven't been posting. We both went away on holidays, one after the other on different weeks... yeah... we had this chapter ready a while ago but where we went, the internet sucked... -Anyways enjoy!!


Wilbur had decided to check the music shop out once again when he would drag Techno and Phil to Niki's cafe.


Just another day in the shop... Tommy sighed to himself. He heard the bell at the door of the shop and watched as a lanky figure with a maroon beanie and a mustard yellow sweater walked in. The same guy he noticed here a few days ago. The dude walked to the guitar section and started looking at the guitar strings. I should be a good employee and go help him out... but-. He debated. He really wasn't bothered.

Gathering all his courage and effort, he walked up to the man and asked, in his best 'this is my job' voice "Hello! Do you need anything?"

"Oh I think I'll be ok for now..." the man peered down at Tommy's name tag, "...Tommy"

Ok so he's the weird "I need to look at the name tag of this employee because I need to know his name" type. Oh shit is he staring at me? Why's he frowning?...

Did he just say that out loud?

"Oh sorry. I usually do that to be polite. I'll stop," the man said, looking down. Suddenly Tommy felt really bad and said,

"Oh n- um..."

What do I say?

"I mean, you are weird. "

He sure as hell wasn't gonna sugar coat it. If this poor man's friends allowed him to do that all the time, he was not going to stand for it any longer. Tommy even almost felt some pity for him. Almost.

The man threw his head back and started shaking. Oh shit. Had Tommy really pushed to the point of no return? He reached out his arms to somewhat comfort the man. He was definitely getting fired. He thought this until he realised that the man was laughing. Very, very hard.

Tommy hummed in confusion. At that the man composed himself, getting his bearings of how ridiculous he looked.

"Sorry, sorry." he gestured placatingly. "I was just pulling your leg."

Oh. Oh.

"Jesus fucking christ man, I- god."

Tommy hadn't realised he was holding his breath until he finally let it out.

The man chuckled from the side of his vision.

"You have some fucking nerve trying to-" Tommy cuts himself off. Then he lets out a deep sigh, psyching himself up, and repeats his question from before. "Do you need anything?"

A sly grin threatens to split the customer's face in two. "No, I was just looking around, thanks."

What the fuck is this bitch planning? Looks like he's from the West Side too.

"Though I would like to ask one question."


"What is your name?"

Tommy rolls his eyes. Like seriously this guy is corny as fuck. What a sap.

"It's Tommy," Tommy huffs.

"The names Wilbur, pleased to make your acquaintance."

Wilbur had begun to offer his hand for a shake.

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