Can drug dealing go any better? No I don't think so

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Hello! Sorry we haven't posted... kinda forgot ngl. Sorry for the gaps between the chapters! Enjoy!!


Techno couldn't believe who he saw.

Or maybe he could.

The three nerds.

So these were the idiots who robbed that store the other day. And for what? Chocolate.


But this was not a petty crime he caught them doing.

They were doing a full on drug deal.

And not with any drug. It was with trigger.

Where did they even get that much trigger?

Okay. Not so much nerds and more like full on villains.

"Is that-?" Wilbur began.

"Nuke, Ender and Asclepius," Techno finished.


He had not realised that before.

Oh well. My bad.

An ambush was best. The boys decided silently.

In three seconds they were on their feet charging at the villains. Though what they had said next caused them all to stop in their tracks.

"What do you think of big balls man?" Nuke looked over to the heroes.

What the fuck.

Seriously? These guys were some of the biggest troublemakers for superheroes. Not a single hero has been able to get a good look at them before they disappear- and the first thing we hear them say is 'what do you think of big balls?'

"Ok.. well... looks like you fuckers have got this under control, peace!" The drug dealer known as Lazarbeam, shoots them a middle finger over his shoulder. Running away with the trigger.

"Nope, come here" Wilbur- Exploit commanded, his eyes glowing yellow. Lazarbeam stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Ok everyone CHILL!" Nuke raised his voice, his hand reaching behind him to grab something out of Technos field of vision.


Smoke was all over the place before they could even react.

Zephyr made a break for it, trying to apprehend him before they got out, but by the time he got to the spot where all three of the criminals were standing, their silhouettes were replaced with floating purple particles.

"Dammit!" Exploit's face was riddled with anger.

Wilbur's gonna go cray-cray.

Techno turned around as he watched three pairs of shoes turn around the corner and out of the alleyway that they were standing in. Wilbur chased after them, stopping shortly after, raising his hand as he muttered.

"Stop running and come back here!"

Weirdly enough, they didn't.

Instead they did the complete opposite and kept on running away. "What? How?!" Wilbur exclaimed.

That was odd.

At seemingly the perfect time, from the distance they could hear:

"Earplugs BITCH!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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