Who is he really

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Reki pov
I feel bad for being mean to langa yesterday, I should apologise and work out why he was off yesterday.

"Hey reki"
"Hey langa how are you bud"
"Fine now that your here"
"Wh at!" I blush not expecting langa to answer like that
"Come on reki or will be late"

We arrive to class just on time and we enter the room to a somber mood, nobody was talking and some people were crying.

I go over to a group of my classmates,
"Hey what's going on"
"You haven't heard koda was found dead last night, there suspecting murder"

I feel a chill go up my spine, how is this possible langa had been with koda just that afternoon. God should we have gone home together would koda still be alive if I had.

"Reki breath, your ok"
My eyes snap to langa cool blue eyes and feel his arms wrap around me helping to ground me. We had moved away from the group giving me space to breath.

"La n ga wh y hh ow I I don't"
"Shh it's ok your ok"

Third pov
Reki presses his face into langas shoulder clinging onto him for comfort, missing the cold smirk coming from langa.

Cherry pov

"You really think langa did that stunt on purpose? I don't know tadashi he's just a kid"

"While I'm not sure I am suspicious snow had the same look as Adam when he talked about his 'eve'"

"Your suspicious because of a look, come on snake now your just reaching there kids"

"So was Adam when he turned, anything can make someone snap"

"Ok I'll admit I was worried when I first saw langa skate but he a good kid"

"But if your still worried we can keep a eye on langa make sure he's not hurting other skaters"

"Thank you"

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