
192 8 0

Cherry pov
Another death happened at s this time two kids. The police had to be called and we found out some details because of this, well because of Carla but whatever 'no Joe I'm not going to be arrested for hacking'.

This lead to another discussion between snake, Joe and I.

"Are you convinced now"
"Tadashi I still don't know we don't exactly have evidence"
"Yeah we can just blame a kid for murder"
"Actually we might there are cameras all over s they might have caught something"
"What snake why didn't you tell the police"
"Shh you stupid gorilla he couldn't they would also catch the illegal skateboarding 'park' we founded"
"Oh right"
"So can we watch the videos now"
"Yeah go ahead"

We go back to the clip from the night it happened we watch for a while as we don't know the time it happened. When we see the two kids and langa come into view.

"We have to warn reki"
I immediately try to call him no answer
Shit shit
"Joe try calling him"
"Carla track his phone"
"No answer"
"Last known location skate park"
"Quick we have to go he's probably with langa if he's a the park"

Joe, tadashi and I quickly run to our bikes an car respectively.

Shit please everything be ok.

My only sunshine Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя