Chapter one- SCARED TO DEATH

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* Alisas POV*

"AAAAHHH" I heard someone scream.

I was scared, really scared. What If my dad would come down and hit me.. He always hits me, my whole body is covered whit bruises. No one knows, not even my brother, Cameron Dallas. I am to scared to tell anyone. My dad hasn't always been like this. It all started when my beautiful mother left her life on earth to become an angel. He started to drink make the pain go away. Nowadays he had no control.

Cameron hard no clue about all the horrible things your dad did to you. He didn't know about the bruises or that you self-harm to get the pain away.
My dad always hits me when Cameron is away on tour.

After a few seconds I heard some footsteps get closer from the stairs.
I tried to be strong, tried not tho shake and tried not to cry. I wanted to be strong in front of my dad or else he was going to get to much power.

He came down to me and stared right in to my eyes. He grabbed my wrist and he's hazel brown eyes turned all black.
He slapped me once, twice and the third time I fell on the floor. Me legs were feeling weak and I had no strength to stand up anymore.
I was laying on the floor and my dad were screaming horrible things to me. He called me a slut and told me how worthless I am. I started to cry. My whole body was shaking.
I looked over to the door and saw Cameron standing there whit he's mouth wide open and tears rolling down he's cheeks.


Cameron Dallas baby sisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ