Chapter seven- then he grabbed my wrist

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*Alisas POV*
Next day we all sat in the kitchen at ate pancakes for breakfast.

We decided to play a litte basketball. "The winner gets a kiss from Alisa" Taylor screamed.
I think i started blushing but whatever.

*Mattews POV*
We all were going to play basketball today and the winner gets to kiss Alisa. I saw how much she blushed when Taylor said that. Aww shes so cute when she blush.

*Alisas POV*
I said yes to the basketballgame. The thing is that I actually have played varsity basketball forever.
"Uhm sure why not" i said.

I won every game and the last one was against Jack G.

"Don't worry sweetie I will go easy"
Did he really just say that? No, he has to be joking. And sweetie tf?

"Oh shut up and lets play" i said and all the boys were ooo-ing.

I swetted the ball away from Jack but i fell. I passed out.

I woke up in my bed whit my blanket over me. My head was spinning like crazy and I just couldn't get up so i texted Cameron. 1-2 minutes later all the boys were in my room.

We all sat chatting for a while and then after a while all the boys, except Matt, decided to go and get som Taco Bell.

"Okay Alisa lets get you cleaned up" Matt said to me.
"I am fine I don't need anyone's help" I was a litte scared because I haven't told anyone about all my cuts and all the bruises. And also, I wanted to play cool and not so needy.
"You can't even move by yourself. Come here let me help you"

He looked at me. Then my arms, and then my legs.

Well shit is he noticing something? No he can't I haven't told him. He can't know.
"Is there anything I should know?" He placed two fingers under my chin and tilted my head up.

"If you want to tell me something, tell me now. Because if I have to find it out on my own I might be heartbroken." He's words really made me think about if i just should show him..

I thought about it for a second.

"Alisa?" He questioned

"U-Umm, no. There's nothing." I replied trying to sound convincing.
"Are you sure?" He asked and eyed my sweater.
"Alisa, its 76 degrees outside." He said looking back up into my eyes.
"I just keep it cold in here" he looked into my eyes and grabbed my wrist.

My breath got stuck in my throat.

Cameron Dallas baby sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora