chapter 3

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( Your blood rolls from my skin, but even when it touches the drain does it remain. I am forever stained by your hands and your greed. Death by stolen youth. )

questions about Lily." Circe uttered sternly, her tolerance for the marauders wearing thin after the five minute milestone. The boys deemed to be exasperating, with a provoking nature and the desire to know everything. The only tolerable one seemed to be Remus, who took no part in annoying her, but more so added simple, sarcastic comments when needed, and then returned to his novel.

   "You're on a first name basis!" he turned to Sirius, his mouth gaping. 'They're on a bloody first name basis! Years I've spent trying to get her to look at me, and this girl gets further in fifteen minutes. Am I loosing my charm?"

  "You?" Sirius scoffed, patting his friends shoulder, "Entirely impossible. You're as handsome as ever."

   Peter rolled his eyes, "Maybe she's just not into guys?"

   "Nah," the Black continued, "she went out with that Rosier kid awhile back. They lasted quite some time, I remember her being pretty devastated when they broke up. It was the month she got completely insufferable."

   Circe stole a brief look at the emerald table, her eyes instinctively landing on Regulus who was frozen against her face, vexed. There was a way his brows crumpled, and his face sunk in distaste as he noticed where she was, and who she was beside. Though she'd never admit it, the expression made her heart descend, just in the slightest.

   It was cruel doing this to him, sure, but it would progress their strained relationship. In order for him to commit, he had to be shown that Circe held many other options, in many other directions. Once more, cruel but very ( very ) necessary in this twisted game of life and death.

  At least that's what the assassin told herself.

   "Have you ever thought," Circe said, returning to the rowdy set of marauders, "that, maybe, she thinks you're only asking her out as a prank? It's practically a running joke around here. Plus, have you heard of consent? She said no, Potter. It's time to move on." Circe delivered the truth bluntly, not wasting any time. She didn't care how she dealt the cards, because at the end of the day, they had to be faced, and decisions had to be made.

       Remus nodded, "Selwyn's right. Lily doesn't take you or what you're trying to ask seriously—" he paused to look at the older Black, "Make a pun about your name and I will genuinely suffocate you in your sleep tonight."

    Sirius merely chuckled, "Damn Moony, thats pretty kinky. I never knew you were into chocking. Can't say I'm not down, though."

   "Merlin," Peter groaned, lifting his fork and shifting it between the pair, "get a room you two."

    James waved his hands in the air, "Woah, back onto me. What do you mean she doesn't take my gestures seriously? I've asked her out in so many ways."

   "Exactly," Circe raised her brow, "it's not genuine because you've over-used it all. Sit down and have a civilised talk with her. Ask why she doesn't like you, and reflect from there. If it's something like growing up, thats for you to do in your own time. If its something else, her sexuality or mere attraction, then you're going to have to move on. But stop with the over-the-top announcements, you're making her life difficult."

   Circe was a prodigy at solving disputes, she'd spent years behind her mother, watching the woman weave her way through Praesidium, dealing with the current affairs and discord. Circe had to be surpassing, a jack of all traits, and thus, she'd mastered the skill at a young age. She didn't have room to make mistakes at Praesidium or the consequences would be egregious .

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