chapter 19

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The group were sitting over warm teas, herbal and infused with love ( Euphemia was the type of person to pour her entire being into everything she touched, and this was evident as they sipped on their drinks ).

Circe had just finished writing to Xena, and whilst the prior revelations were astounding — to say the least — it brought May 3rd into completion, figuratively:

Dear Circe Selwyn ( Einar ) ,

When you left school abruptly, I started to do some digging. I suppose I was just bitter that my ONLY friend had abandoned me, and so I poured all of the time I spent with you into finding out the truth. It wasn't hard, not really. I merely used my families power to my advantage. Did you know Lowes is also chained to this organisation you work for? Praesidium? Turns out, we're in some clandestine allegiance with them.

My blood supplies the technology they need, and in return, we get to keep such a prominent status and income. Fair deal? That's what I thought until I started to tear through the files my father kept, and ended up stumbling across you. Circe. You were supposed to kill Regulus Black, albeit neither of you are dead. So I assume you ended up boning? Right?

No judgement here, though — he's hot as FUCK. So good for you. Nothing beats an enemies to lover trope.

— Xena.


Regulus says I shouldn't be so trusting of you, but what do I have to loose now? I need your help. The news of your surname being laced within the grasps of Praesidium was shocking but not unbelievable. I want to burn the place down. If you've read more, you'll know that I have been groomed from a little girl to be this... bringer of death? Could you get us access? I'll attach the people we will be spelled to look like. Me and Regulus need a way into the building. That is all I ask for.

— Circe.


Of, fucking, course! Praesidium being ashes = my family are poor! That makes me a lot happier than it should.

— Xena.

Now, she sat with the ID cards in her clutch, and a fully baked plan. They would take the permuted polyjuice, transform into these strangers and raid Praesidium. The potion would give them coverage for three hours, and then they'd be brought back into their regular forms: two faces discernible to the establishment. 180minutes was enough time to round up the higher officals and make them repent for their flagitious doings.

Judgement day had arrived, it seemed!

"Shit... this is really happening?" James asked, cupping his tea with a strong grasp. "You'll be careful?"

"Nope." Circe responded, "I've always worked better impetuous. Plus, with all of the variables on how this could go down, I'm afraid being cautious won't be an option."

Sirius swallowed, "Atleast make it back here in one piece? Both of you."

Circe and Regulus had shaped the lives of the people present, and to think they may not return was a dispiriting fact. Very real, but very cruel. It hurt to watch the pair suffer so much. Albeit, they were mere onlookers.... absorbing the movie as it went along.

"We'll try." is what Regulus said, sending a look towards his brother. —

There wasn't a word to showcase what it meant, however if you were to describe it, this is what came close: Siblings promising lies. The ship before it went under. Your first kiss. Butterflies with broken wings. Sunday evenings. Crying to your mother.

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